



1. The field 'Report Exclusion Reason' has been added to the PoP record at the PoP Summary/Measurable Outcomes panel. (When the Report Exclusion Reason field is entered, the student is excluded from certain NRS tables.)

2. Students with an intake date in the previous FY whose only activity in the current FY was a group enrollment were not being removed from the current FY student list when the group enrollment was deleted. This has been corrected.


1. Assessments with the same subtest as a newly entered assessment were not allowed to be moved forward. This has been corrected.

2. The field 'Instr Hrs Between Assessments in Subj Area' was incorrectly including hours between level defining and non-level defining assessments. This has been corrected.

NRS Tables

1. The logic for populating Table 4a and Table 4b has been updated. When there are no hours between one assessment and another assessment that calculates the entry level in a PoP, the first assessment is ignored for determining a student's inclusion on Tables 4a and 4b.

2. Table 11 was not picking up the IETP enrollment correctly for students eligible for 4th quarter employment follow up. This has been corrected.

3. Table 11 was incorrectly including students with a Report Exclusion Reason. This has been corrected.

4. Students were being counted on Table 5a if they are a Distance Learner in the current FY but not in the year of exit that placed them on Table 5a. This has been corrected.

Last update: 5/15/2020