



  1. The "Posttest Eligible by EFL" and "Posttest Eligible by EFL Within [X] Hours" widgets were displaying incorrect values that did not match the drilldown values. This has been corrected.

  2. After navigating to a student grid page other than page 1, then drilling down on a dashboard was resulting in a blank page. This has been corrected.


  1. The manual TOPSpro Import incorrectly labeled imported assessments as "External Import" which prevented users from deleting those assessments. This has been corrected.


  1. Users who were logged out due to inactivity experienced an inactive account error when trying to log back in. This has been corrected.

New Functionality


  1. A new report has been added to the Student area Reports titled "LACES Data Dictionary." This report serves as a reference dictionary of the fields within the Student record and provides additional information on those fields.


  1. The "Last Enroll Date" field located in the Education tab in the Student record is now read-only.

Password Reset

  1. A user can now reset their password if they get locked out of their account. Select "Unlock Account" link on the login page and follow the instructions.

Last update: 12/2/22