


1. The practice test 'PPT 6a' has been added to the assessment list under 'HiSET / Practice Test eBook.'


  • The choice list functionality for class, group, and workshop keywords has been fixed. Now when you add a new keyword at the 'Agency Settings/Choice Lists' tab for ClassKeyword, GroupKeyword, or WorkshopKeyword, it will display correctly on the drop down list at the Keyword field in the class, group, or workshop record.
  • PAIRS: 'CurFYInstructHours' has been added to search criteria list.

Independent Literacy Agencies

All independent literacy agencies now have student and staff fiscal year summary functionality. Literacy agencies are able to create fiscal year summaries based on the agency settings. For example, if the agency has not updated to the current fiscal year and is set for the 2015-2016, fiscal year summaries can only be created for that year.

Changes Related to WIOA

LiteracyPro will be implementing changes to LACES that are related to WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) as information is obtained from OCTAE. Information about WIOA is available on the NRS and OCTAE websites. WIOA represents significant changes in how agencies will collect and report data beginning in the 16/17 fiscal year. It is important that you become familiar with the upcoming WIOA changes.

ABE and independent literacy agencies are affected by these changes made to LACES .

Updated in this release:

Running the new NRS tables

The new NRS tables for fiscal year 2016-2017 are not on the report manager but instead are located on the student NRS table searches. The searches for 2016-2017 tables have been updated to include the total rows and NRS instructions for completing the new tables. This change was introduced in Release 2017.1.0.

1. Click the <Searches link at the student area.

2. Expand the NRS category.

3. Select one of the new tables - NRS tables 1, 2, 3, or 6.

4. Select NRS FY 16-17 on the drop down list at the the 'Select Reporting System' field.

5. The new report will display. From here, you may print the report by clicking the Print icon at the top right.

6. Click any of the cells to drill down to the list of students populating the cell.

The correct table format will display once you select the Reporting System. For example, if you select NRS FY 15-16, the table format appropriate for that reporting year will display. If you select NRS FY 16-17, the new table for that reporting year will display.

Q: How do I save the new table?

A: Most browsers have a built-in PDF printer that allows you to 'print' and save any file to PDF.

To print an NRS table to PDF:

1. First, follow the steps above to display an NRS table using the <Searches link.

2. Click the printer icon on the window.

3. The 'PrintFriendly' window will display.

4. Click the Print button at the bottom of the window.

5. The printer dialog window will display. Depending on your browser and/or printer, you will see:

Chrome: Destination/Change

Firefox: Name field with a drop down list

IE: 'Select Printer' area

6. Depending on your browser/printer, you will then:

Chrome: Click the Change button and select 'Save as PDF'

Firefox: Select 'Microsoft Print to PDF.'

IE: Select 'Microsoft Print to PDF.

7. Depending on your browser and/or printer, you will then:

Chrome: Click the Save button

Firefox: Click the OK button

IE: Click the Print button

8. Select a location on your computer drive, enter a name for the file, and click Save.

9. The table is now saved as a file on your computer. You can locate the file, open, then print.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to look at the print dialog box the next time you print a file. You may have to change the destination or printer, back to your default printer name.