


1. The following assessment changes for the 19/20 FY have been made in accordance with the federal register.

These assessments now populate only ESL levels, whether the student Education->ESL field is selected or not.

  • CASAS Life and Work Reading - all forms
  • CASAS Citizenship-Reading - all forms
  • CASAS Adult Life Skills - forms 310 and 311

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any existing ABE level populated by one of the above assessments prior to 7/1/2019 will convert to an ESL level if the assessment record is opened and then saved. Use caution when opening an assessment record from a previous FY. The ABE level will not be affected if the record is opened then the Cancel button is clicked, or the window is closed by clicking the X in the top right corner. But if the record is opened, then the Save button is clicked, the ABE level will convert to ESL. Once this occurs, the ABE level cannot be restored.

The following assessments expired on 6/30/2019 and cannot be moved forward from 18/19 or entered on or after 7/1/2019.

  • CASAS Life Skills Math, all forms and levels
  • Wonderlic GAIN English, all forms and levels
  • Wonderlic GAIN Math, all forms and levels
  • TABE 9 - all forms and levels
  • TABE 10 - all forms and levels
  • TABE Survey 9 - all forms and levels
  • TABE Survey 10 - all forms and levels

2. CASAS GOALS Appraisal forms 900M and 900R have been added. These forms are not level-defining.


1. A new dashboard widget has been added. 'Measurable Skills Gain Completion by EFL' includes - by entering EFL - students who have made a measurable skill gain in any period of participation in the current fiscal year.


1. The Assessment Diagnostic Search rows 'Students completed a level in a non-tracked subject area in any PoP' and 'Students with level gain in current PoP' were including students whose post-test level went down, then back up to the original level with another post-test. For example, a students pretested at ABE L4, post-tested at ABE L3, post-tested again at ABE L4. This student does not count as making a level gain. These rows have been corrected.

2. Two new rows were added to the Assessment Diagnostic Search:

  • Students completed a level in any subject area in any PoP.
  • Students not posttested in any subject area in any PoP.

3. The new search 'Incomplete HSE' has been finalized. The search returns students from the selection who have not taken all of the GED, HiSET, or TASC subtests.

4. The Staff Diagnostic Search has been updated to accurately return staff with a credential but no date earned, or staff with a credential that has expired.

5. The student Outcome->Employment Outcomes for Followup has been updated for the 20/21 reporting followup.

6. The student State and Local Performance searches have been updated for 2018/2019 reporting. The changes including removing the Credential Attainment search, since that component is no longer used.


1. The following reports have been updated so that hours are no longer reported on hours type options codes so that hours are reported accurately.

  • STUDENT: All Hours with Hours Types between Date Range Page by Student
  • STUDENT: Instruct Hours Sum in Date Range
  • STUDENT: All Hours with Hours Types between Date Range
  • STUDENT: Student Calendar Hours Report
  • TUTOR: Tutor Calendar Hours Report

2. Fiscal Year Data NRS Tables at the student and staff areas are no longer relevant and have been removed.

3. Additional reports have been added to all ABE clients at the student area.

  • STUDENT: Adult Ed Postsecondary Education
  • STUDENT: Adult Ed Postsecondary Training
  • STUDENT: Adult Ed Referral
  • STUDENT: Student Documents


1. Previously, staff records could be deleted if the staff was enrolled in a workshop. This process has been updated so that the workshop enrollment must be deleted before the staff record may be deleted.

2. The staff intake form has been updated to allow the user to select credential types at the time of intake.

Bug Fixes

1. When deleting a students or staff record that did not have a previous FY summary, the message 'Could not delete the table Person' would display.' This has been corrected.

Last update 12/4/2019