


    1. The field 'Left Date' has been renamed to 'Exit Date.' This more closely aligns with NRS terminology.
    2. Assessment Diagnostic Searches: additional assessment diagnostic searches have been added to find assessment data.
    3. The Dashboard Student Alerts have been updated.


Student PoPs

    1. Continuing PoPs that continued from the previous FY do not have an exit date and should not count on Table 5, but were being included in Column E. This has been corrected. Only PoPs with an exit date can be considered for Table 5.
    2. The current FY PoP exit date was not being removed when a date in the next FY was added in the student Education tab/Education panel field 'Scheduled Service Start Date' field. This has been corrected.


    1. The 'Student Enrollment Staff' search was not displaying the staff names. This has been corrected.


    1. Staff with 0 years of adult ed teaching experience were not being returned in the grid search when the field was added to a view and the 'Has Value' filter was applied. The grid search was not recognizing '0' as a valid value. This has been corrected.


    1. An employment import has been added that allows employment data to be imported into LACES based on the student ID. This import is only available in the state SEA

WIOA Related Changes

    1. Based on information from the NRS, a student does not have to enter with an ESL level to be included in IELCE on Table 3. This has been updated so that all students, regardless of level, who have IELCE selected at the Secondary Program field may count on Table 3 on the IELCE row.
    2. A field has been added at the student Demographics tab/Demographics panel to capture PoP exclusions.

Last update: 4/27/2018