


1. 'Became incarcerated' has been added to the list of exclusion reasons at the student Demographics tab / Demographics panel 'Report Exclusion Reason' field.

2. The following NRS tables have been added:

Fiscal summaries must be updated prior to running the new tables.

3. Additional fields for data collection specific to Table 11 have been added.

Table 11 reports outcome achievement for students in Integrated Education and Training Programs (IETP). Three MSGs reported on this table did not have fields in LACES to collect this data:

  • MSG via Attainment of Secondary School Diploma/ Recognized Equivalent
  • MSG via Secondary or Postsecondary Transcript
  • MSG via Progress Toward Milestones.

To allow this data to be collected, a new panel has been added at the Outcomes tab called 'IETP Measurable Skill Gains.' A record for these MSG types may be added.

To add a new IETP Measurable Skill Gains record:

1. Open the student record.

2. Go to the Outcomes tab.

3. Open the IETP Measurable Skill Gains panel.

4. Click Add New Record.

5. Date is a required field.

6. IETP MSG Type is a required field. Select the MSG type from the drop down list.

7. IETP MSG is a 'dependent' field. The list that displays is dependent on the IETP MSG Type selected.

8. Additional Details may be added, if applicable.

9. Save the record.

Rules for adding an IETP MSG record:

1. The student MUST have at least one IETP enrollment in the fiscal year with the enrollment date on or before the date of the record. If the student does not have an IETP enrollment on or before the date of the record, an error message will display on the record window:

Could not save IETP Measurable Skill Gain: *Student does not have an IETP enrollment on or before this Date.

2. To count the MSG in the first PoP, the MSG record date must be after or on the PoP 1 start date and before the start date of the next PoP.

Choice Lists

Currently there is placeholder text in the choices for the IETP MSG items on the list. These may be updated or new items added at Choice Lists. Only the specified IETP MSG Types will count on Table 11. However, you may edit the IETP MSG placeholder text or enter IETP MSGs that are related to the valid types.

1. Display the menu at the Person Profile icon.

2. Select Agency Settings.

3. Click the Choice Lists tab.

4. On the choice list field, click the down arrow.

5. Scroll to the IETPMeasureableSkillGainType choice list.

6. Notice that there are three choices:

While you may add additional IETP Measurable Skill Gain types, the types with option codes 101, 102, and 103 are the ONLY types that count on Table 11. It is recommended that you do not rename these items if you track the MSGs for Table 11 purposes.

7. The IETPMeasurableSkillGain choice list may be updated. These choices do not count on Table 11, but allow you to track additional information associated with each type. Currently there are two placeholder records that correspond to each type:

For example, Milestone 1 is a choice list item with placeholder text that corresponds to the type 'Milestones Toward Progress.' If your agency tracks particular milestones, you may rename the text in this record. To edit the record, click the edit icon.

In the screenshot below, the placeholder text has been replaced with 'Completed two EFLs' by editing the record and replacing 'Milestone 1' with 'Completed two EFLs.'

When the MSG type 'Milestones Toward Progress' is selected when adding a Measurable Skill Gains record at the student Outcomes tab / IETP Measurable Skill Gains panel, the IETP MSG list displays the edited item.

8. To add a new IETPMeasurableSkillGain record, click Add New Item.

9. On the add new item record, enter the short and long description.

10. Select the appropriate IETP Measurable Skill Gain Type.

11. Save.

Last update:3/29/2019