98 - Gangamopteris


Hello friends, Welcome to the Fossil Repository at the Department of Geology, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur. I am Gangamopteris. I am a plant fossil. I have pinnately compound leaves, meaning my leaf blade is divided into leaflets arranged along a central axis. My leaflets are typically elongated and lanceolate (spear-shaped), with a pointed tip and sometimes serrated margins. My leaflets exhibit a prominent venation pattern, with parallel veins extending from the central axis toward the margins of the leaflets. I bear reproductive structures, such as sporangia or seeds, on specialized fertile leaves or fronds. I am primarily a terrestrial plant, inhabiting various environments ranging from tropical forests to wetlands during the Carboniferous and Permian. My kind and other seed ferns were significant components of Carboniferous and Permian ecosystems, contributing to the diversity of plant life and providing habitat and food for various. Fossils of my species have been found in coal deposits and sedimentary rocks dating back to the Carboniferous and Permian periods, providing valuable information about ancient plant communities and environment. Thank you for visiting.