60 - Natrolite


Hello friends, Welcome to the Mineral Repository at the department of geology, Shivaji science college Nagpur. 

I’m Natrolite, a mesmerizing member of zeolite family. I usually occur with other zeolites in the amygdaloidal cavities of basaltic igneous rocks and also common in nepheline syenites. one of my impressive properties is that I am used for softening water. My name originates from the Greek word’s “nitro” and “lithos”, meaning “soda stone”. You’ll often find me in volcanic and metamorphic rocks, especially those rich in sodium. I’m known for my beautiful crystal formations, which are usually colorless or white, sometimes with a tint of yellow, green or red. My crystals typically form in slender prisms, often grouped together in radiating clusters or needle like structures. Another one of my distinctive features is my ability to fluoresce under ultraviolet light, sometimes showing vibrant colors like orange, yellow, or even blue! This property makes me a favorite among mineral collectors and enthusiasts. As I am the member of zeolite family, it means I have a porous structure that can absorb water and other substances. Because of this, I’m sometimes used as a natural deodorizer or as a catalyst in chemical reactions. If you ever come across me in wild, you’ll likely find me in places where volcanic activities have occurred. Whether its in the beauty of a crystal cluster or the practical applications in industry, I’m here, adding a touch of sparkle and utility to the world of minerals. 

Thank you for visiting.