91 - Ostrea


Hello friends, Welcome to the Fossil Repository at the Department of Geology, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur. 

My name is Ostrea. I am a fossil. My bivalve shell has two symmetrical halves or valves.You'll notice distinct ridges or concentric growth lines on my surface, reflecting my incremental growth over time.

  Like modern oysters, I'm primarily composed of calcium carbonate, making me relatively durable and resistant to decomposition.

  I come in various sizes, with some of us being relatively small while others can be quite large, depending on our species and the environmental conditions during our formation.

 I am formed through the process of fossilisation, which involve the gradual replacement of my organic material with minerals over millions of years.

 You'll often find me in marine sedimentary rock formations, providing insights into the ancient environments in which I lived and the geological history of the Earth.

 I'm important to palaeontologists for understanding the evolutionary history and biodiversity of marine ecosystems, as well as past climate conditions and ecological interactions.

Thank you for visiting.