17 - Arkose


Hello friends, Welcome to the Rock Repository at the Department of Geology, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

I am Arkose, a type of sedimentary rock distinguished by my high feldspar content, particularly orthoclase or microcline, which gives me a pinkish or reddish hue. Quartz is also present in me, usually in smaller proportions compared to feldspar. These quartz grains are typically clear or milky white and vary in size. Additionally, I may contain small amounts of other minerals such as mica, clay minerals, and various accessory minerals, contributing to my overall texture and appearance. The grains within me are often poorly sorted, indicating a wide variation in size and lack of organisation, reflecting my depositional environment. My formation begins with the weathering and erosion of granitic rocks, which are rich in feldspar minerals. As these rocks break down, feldspar grains are released and accumulate to lithify into me. My composition is influenced by the source area or provenance; the abundance of feldspar suggests a nearby granitic source, while the presence of other minerals may indicate additional sediment sources.

I find practical use in construction due to my hardness and durability. Crushed, I am employed as an aggregate in concrete, asphalt, and road construction. My association lies with high-energy depositional environments where sediment transport and deposition are active, such as river channels and alluvial fans.

Thank you for visiting.