45 - Psilomelane


Hello friends, Welcome to the Mineral Repository at the Department of Geology, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

I am Psilomelane, a mineral recognized for my dark, lustrous appearance and my occurrence in various geological formations worldwide. Unlike some of my more colorful mineral cousins, my hue tends towards black, often with a metallic sheen, giving me a distinctive look.

Geologically, I am commonly found in hydrothermal veins and other ore deposits, particularly those rich in manganese. You can also encounter me in sedimentary rocks, where I form as a result of chemical reactions and deposition processes over time.

In industry, my primary application is in the production of manganese ore, where I serve as a significant source of manganese, a crucial element in steel making and other metallurgical processes. Additionally, I find use in the manufacturing of ceramics and pigments, where my dark coloration contributes to various shades of black and gray.

 Thank you for visiting.