8 - Syenite


Hello friends, Welcome to the Rock Repository at the Department of Geology, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur. I am  Syenite, an intermediate hypabyssal igneous rock having coarse grained texture. I am formed due to  alkaline igneous activity, generally formed in thick continental crustal areas, or in Cordilleran subduction zones. I contain alkali feldspar with less than 5% quartz or feldspathoid and Clinopyroxene, hornblende, biotite mica, or olivine may be present in minor proportions. In India I am found in Mannapura Thrisshur district Kerala, Kola Peninsula of Russia, and in countries like Switzerland, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Scotland, Bulgaria and  Romania. I am mainly used as a dimension stone, countertop, flooring, cemetery markers and crushed rocks. I am also used in ornamentation's and jewellery. I was also used in making monuments and sculptures. Thank you for visiting.