59 - Asbestos


Hello friends, 

Welcome to the Mineral Repository at the department of geology, Shivaji science college Nagpur

I’m asbestos, a little dangerous member of Amphibole family. My name comes from a Greek word meaning “inextinguishable”.  I’ve been around for a long time, and you might have heard about me in discussion about health and safety. I’m not like other minerals in terms of fame; I gained notoriety for being hazardous to human health. My fibrous structure, which makes me strong and resistant to heat, led to use in various products like insulations, roofing, and fireproofing materials. Unfortunately, it was later discovered that when my fibers are disturbed or broken, they can become airborne and can be easily inhaled. This can lead to serious health issues such as lung cancer, asbestosis. due to this, my use in many products has been greatly restricted or banned in numerous countries. So please be careful in interacting with me and wash your hands after touching me. Despite my dangerous side, I’m still a part of mineral world, found naturally in rocks like serpentinite. I am hydrous silicate of magnesium in amphibole group. Scientists and researchers continue to study me to better understand my properties and how to safely manage existing asbestos containing materials. Archaeological studies have found evidence of me being used as far back in the Stone Age to strengthen ceramic pots. The recent world leaders in my production are Russia, China, Brazil, Kazakhstan and India. So, while I might not be the most welcome guest in the mineral world, I’m here, reminding everyone to handle me with extreme caution and care.

Thank you. Visit again.