57 - Actinolite


Hello friends, 

Welcome to the Mineral Repository at the department of geology, Shivaji science college Nagpur.

I’m Actinolite, another fascinating member of Amphibole family, you’ll often find me hanging out with my friends in regionally metamorphosed rocks, such as schists and marble, bringing my unique greenish color and fibrous appearance to the mix. My name ‘Actinolite’ is derived from a Greek words “aktinos” and “lithos”, meaning “beam” and “stone”, respectively. This name reflects my characteristics that is needle like or fibrous crystals that form intricate patterns within rocks. when you spot me, you’ll notice my lovely shades of green, ranging from pale to dark, sometimes with a hint of yellow. I’m not just a pretty face in the world of minerals; I also have some interesting properties. Back in the days, ancient civilizations used me in craving and jewelry making because of my hardness which is 5 to 6 on mohs scale of mineral hardness. I also come under one of the feared minerals, because One of my most terrifying property is that my fibers are so small that they can enter the lungs and damage the alveoli, so observe me carefully and wash your hands after handshaking me. so, whether you’re exploring a rocky outcrop or marveling at a beautiful piece of jewelry, remember to say hello to actinolite. I’m always here, adding a touch of green to the world of minerals. 

Thank you, Visit again.