48 - Garnet


Hello friends, Welcome to the Mineral Repository at the Department of Geology, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur. 

I am Garnet, a mineral renowned for my deep red hues, though I also come in a range of colors including green, yellow, orange, and even black. My varied colors are due to different chemical compositions within my crystal structure.

Geologically, I am commonly found in metamorphic rocks such as schist and gneiss, as well as in some igneous rocks like granite. My formation is often associated with high-grade metamorphism and regional metamorphic events.

In industry and commerce, my gem-quality specimens are highly valued for use in jewelry. Craftsmen cut and polish me into faceted gemstones or cabochons, showcasing my intense color and natural beauty. Beyond my use in jewelry, I have industrial applications as an abrasive material. My hardness and durability make me ideal for cutting and polishing hard materials such as metal, wood, and glass.

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