54 - Gypsum


Hello friends, 

Welcome to the Mineral Repository at the department of geology, Shivaji science college, Nagpur.

I am gypsum, I am a member of sulphate family. I am a soft sulfate mineral composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate. I am most renowned in construction industry known by the name plaster of Paris, upon adding water, after a few dozen minutes, plaster of Paris becomes regular gypsum, causing the material to harden or set in ways that are useful for casting and construction. due to this Property, my name gypsum was derived from the Greek word ‘gypsos’ meaning plaster. I am a common mineral, with thick and extensive beds in association with sedimentary rocks. I can be deposited from lake and sea water, as well as in hot springs, from volcanic vapors, and sulfate solutions in veins. My pure variety is white, but other substances found as impurities may give a wide range of colors to local deposits. I am commercially found in Brazil, Pakistan, Jamaica, Iran (world's second largest producer), Thailand, Spain (the main producer in Europe), Germany, Italy, England, Canada and the United State. My crude form is used as a fluxing agent, fertilizer, filler in paper and textiles, and retarder in portland cement. i am amongst one of the softest minerals present on the earth's surface.

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