47 - Beryl


Hello friends, Welcome to the Mineral Repository at the Department of Geology, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

I am Beryl, a mineral known for my vibrant colors and diverse gemstone varieties, including emerald and aquamarine. Unlike some minerals, I showcase an array of hues, from rich greens to serene blues, and even soft pinks and yellows, each influenced by different impurities.

Geologically, I often form in pegmatite veins within granite and mica schists, typically alongside beryllium-rich minerals like mica and tourmaline.

In the world of industry and commerce, my gem-quality specimens, particularly emeralds and aquamarines, are highly prized. Craftsmen cut and polish me into dazzling gemstones, adorning jewelry and ornamental objects with my beauty. Additionally, my durability and resistance to chemicals make me valuable for specialized lenses and windows in optical equipment, like cameras and telescopes.

Thank you for visiting.