20 - Black Limestone


Hello friends, Welcome to the Rock Repository at the Department of Geology, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

I am Black Limestone, distinguished by my dark coloration, typically ranging from deep gray to black. Like other limestone varieties, I am primarily composed of calcium carbonate minerals, notably calcite or aragonite, derived from the accumulation and lithification of organic remains such as shells and coral fragments. Within me, one  may find varying amounts of organic matter, including fossilized remains of marine organisms like shells, algae, and foraminifera, contributing to my texture and appearance.

My dark color is often attributed to mineral impurities like carbonaceous materials, organic compounds, or trace elements such as manganese or iron oxides. I exhibit a range of grain sizes, from fine-grained to coarse-grained, influenced by factors like depositional environment, sediment composition, and diagenetic processes. I am formed in marine environments where sedimentation and lithification occur under reducing conditions, such as shallow seas, lagoons, and tidal flats. My dark coloration indicates deposition under anoxic (low oxygen) conditions, where organic matter accumulates and undergoes partial decay without complete oxidation.  Due to my distinctive color and workability, I am sometimes used for sculptural purposes, monuments, and commemorative plaques. My versatility in various construction and landscaping applications stems from being formed under specific environmental conditions, resulting in unique textures, colors, and geological features.

Thank you for visiting.