58 - Wavellite


Hello, friends! Welcome to the Mineral Repository at the department of geology, Shivaji science college, Nagpur.

I am Wavellite, a mineral prized for my unique, wavy crystal formations and my occurrence in various geological settings. Geologically, I belong to phosphate family and therefore I am commonly found in phosphate-rich environments, such as phosphate nodules and sedimentary deposits, often associated with other phosphate minerals like apatite and variscite. One of my most distinctive features is my wavy or botryoidal crystal habit, which gives me a unique appearance compared to other minerals. My color can range from pale green to blue-green, and sometimes even yellowish or white, depending on the presence of different impurities. In the world of mineralogy and lapidary arts, I am highly valued for my aesthetic appeal and rarity. Mineral collectors seek out well-formed specimens of me for their collections, appreciating my unusual crystal habit and vibrant coloration. While I am not as widely known as some other minerals, my unique characteristics and geological significance make me a fascinating subject of study for geologists and mineral enthusiasts alike, leaving an remarkable mark on the world of minerals and gemstones. 

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