28 - Green Talc Schist


Hello friends, Welcome to the Rock Repository at the Department of Geology, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

I am green talc schist, a soft, foliated metamorphic rock with a distinct green colour and a smooth, silky texture. You can easily spot me by my vibrant colour, which comes from the presence of minerals like talc and chlorite in my composition. My journey begins deep within the Earth's crust, where I start out as a different type of rock, perhaps shale or mudstone. Over time, intense heat and pressure transform me, causing the minerals within me to recrystallize and reorganize into the beautiful green talc schist you see today. I am very soft and have a hardness of one on the Mohs scale of hardness. I have a specific gravity of 2.5-2.8. I have many uses and applications. My smooth texture and attractive green color make me a popular choice for decorative purposes in construction and landscaping. I am also used in making paints, ceramics, electronics and abrasives. Thank you for visiting.