67 - Wollastonite


Hello friends, Welcome to the Mineral Repository at the department of geology, Shivaji science college, Nagpur. I am Wollastonite, My name pays tribute to the English chemist and mineralogist, William Hyde Wollaston. You can find me in metamorphic and igneous rocks around the world, India holds significant deposits of me specially in the states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Jammu & Kashmir. Rajasthan, known for its rich mineral wealth, houses some of the largest reserves of Wollastonite in the country. My uses are varied and valuable. Industries rely on me for my unique properties. As a natural mineral, I am sought after for my brightness and whiteness, making me ideal for use in ceramics, paints, and coatings. The plastics industry values me as a reinforcing filler, enhancing the strength and performance of their products. You'll also find me in construction materials like tiles and bricks, where my high melting point and low thermal expansion properties come in handy. Farmers use me as a soil conditioner, improving soil health and aiding in nutrient absorption for plants. Thank you for visiting.