46 - Pyrite


Hello friends, Welcome to theĀ  Mineral Repository at the Department of Geology, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

I am Pyrite, a mineral renowned for my metallic luster and golden hue, earning me the nickname fool's gold. Unlike actual gold, though, my composition is primarily iron sulfide, making me far more common and less valuable.

Geologically, I am abundant in various geological formations, especially in sedimentary rocks like shale and coal beds, as well as in hydrothermal veins and metamorphic rocks. You can find me all around the world, from ancient to more recent deposits.

In industry, I have several applications. Historically, I've been used in the production of sulfur dioxide, an important component in sulfuric acid, a key industrial chemical. Additionally, I'm utilized in the manufacturing of sulfur compounds, fertilizers, and batteries. My metallic luster also makes me a popular addition to jewelry and decorative pieces, although my tendency to tarnish can be a challenge for long-term use.

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