Weekly Web Update

Friday 27th January 2023

Create, Equip, Partner

Dear Parents and Carers

In the week that marked the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit the children enjoyed a special Chinese lunch on Wednesday courtesy of our fabulous kitchen staff, led by Leisha.

The second group of Year 6 pupils have completed their Level 2 Cycle Training. The instructors reported back that members of the public commented on their good behaviour when they were out on the streets. What great ambassadors you are Year 6!

Year 3 have been busy starting their assembly practise for when they perform it to the school and their parents on Thursday 9th February.

This morning the Reception children enjoyed an (al fresco) Wild Workshop and had lots of fun playing with sticks and straw and other bits - because they were building the three little pigs' houses which they have all been reading in class! (See pictures below.)

Next week the third and final group of year 6 pupils will be doing their Level 2 Cycle Training.

Finally, Year 2 will be visiting the Gurdwara on Friday morning.

Best wishes for the weekend ahead.

Ann-Marie Grant (AMG)


Plea for help! Calling all alumni....

I have been talking to the children at the end of each of my weekly worship sessions about the school and the changes I have seen over the past 23 years! It made me think about all of the pupils who have passed through whilst I have been here (some of you are now parents here too!).

I am keen to set up up an Alumni and meet up either in person or virtually with as many as possible this year. It also got me thinking about those pupils who have gone through the school many, many years ago....before even my time! ...It would be great to hear from them....

So here is the plea as I am not tech savvy here...

...Is there any parent who can help us with setting up an Alumni for the ex pupils of St. Michael's?

We are keen to make contact and join groups together from as far back as we can and share stories, have events and fundraise. If you can help or know of someone who can give time free of charge to help us that would be amazing. Please see me!

Thank you in advance

Kind regards,


Attendance Matters:

Please remember always to let the office know BY 9AM each day if your child is not going to be in school. You can also do this by clicking on the Parent Mail App to record any absence.

We need a full reason each time for our records please.

Every morning the office staff are having to chase up missing children:

  • If a message hasn't been received by 9am the office will call the child's parents

  • If no response from them the office will then call the other nomianted contacts in their records to ascertain why the child is absent.

  • If no one can be reached we will then visit the family residence to check

  • If we cannot find a child at their main residence we will contact the police/MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub)

Thank you for your support.


Our target for the year is: 97%

Our attendance for the year to date is:

This week our attendance was 97%

Our PTA:

We are hoping before you’ve read this you’ve managed to get some delicious cakes compliments of the Y4 cake sale – always a great way to start the weekend. Thank you to Y4.

Dancing shoes and sparkly outfits at the ready - Disco Dancing is a week away on Sat 4th Feb!! Ticket sales will close on Wed. 1st Feb so don’t be disappointed and buy them now. St. Michael's PTA Site - Disco 2023 (google.com). Thank You Thank You to all you wonderful DBS checked volunteers that have come forward .

Our generous sponsor Douglas and Gordon are offering free house evaluations so if you are interested let us know over email and we’ll put you in touch with our friendly contact (don’t worry you don’t have to sell!)

Anyone interested in finding out more about co-chairing the PTA next year or taking on second uniform sales immediately do please get in touch…

Ideas and thoughts are always welcome - pta@stmichaels.wandsworth.sch.uk

Cora and Sheila

PTA Co-chairs



Don't forget to look out for updates on school life throughout the week on Facebook and Twitter so you don't miss out.

New Facegroup Group for Parents:

This is a closed group for St Michael's parents to share their swaps and buys and sells:

You can put in a request to join the group via this link:

News and Notices:

Geography Faculty:

The Year 6 Geography Faculty led a very informative assembly yesterday on 'The World In Which We Live' and the importance of making the right choices for our planet and our environment.

Wild Teach Workshop:

Red and Green Class have been building houses for the three little pigs. Which one did the wolf manage to blow down?!

Royal Academy Young Artists Summer Show:

We have registered as a school again this year so you can submit your child's artwork via the following link:

Reading For Pleasure:

Advance Notice: Friday 10th February at 2:30pm

All family members and carers welcome and you do not need a DBS to attend.

Come to the usual entrance for your child and enjoy reading with them in a relaxed environment around school.

ABRSM Exams:

For the upcoming ABRSM exam session, running from 27th February until 1st April 2023, we are looking to run the exams at St Michael's.

If your child's private teacher is in the process of organising their instrumental exam, then please let them know that your child can take their exam at St Michael's (rather than an outside venue), but they need to contact Mrs Minster by next week at musicadmin@stmichaels.wandsworth.sch.uk Please note that children who already have peripatetic lessons at St Michael's have already been included in the entry.

Tracey Minster

Head of Music Faculty

Learn To Love To Read

for 2-4 year olds:

Parent Prayer Group:

Meeting in school straight after drop off from 8.30/40 to about 9:15am

Monday 6th February & Friday 24th February

Monday 6th March & Friday 17th March

Friday 21st April

Monday 15th May

Monday 5th June & Friday 23rd June

Monday 3rd July & Friday 14th July

Come through the front office and the Oasis room is through to KS1 on the left hand side.

Prayer Box:

We now have a new prayer box at the front desk of the office for any of your prayer requests.

Please feel free to come and post them into the box in advance of the Parent Prayer Group meetings.

Local Community Events:

Friends of Richmond Park Discoverers:

Open to all for two hours on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th January (see exact timings oppposite)

All children are invited to come along to Pen Ponds, it's completely free and they will be lent binoculars.

Susanna Ramsey will be bringing several hands-on exhibits relating to wildlife in Richmond Park and the surrounding area.

Boom Sports Holiday Camps in February Half Term.

Based in Hammersmith - see flyer for booking details

Southfields Library:

FREE Online Safety Course for Parents and Carers

Jack And The Beanstalk:

Local Pantomime:

St Ann's Hall, St Ann's Crescent, Wandsworth, SW18 2LR

Running from 20th January - 29th January - see flyer

Group 4 Theatre for Young People:

Putney Arts Theatre:

February half term:

"A fantastic opportunity for ages 4-11 to get involved in fun and engaging performance-based activities and put on a show for family and friends! "

Window Wanderland

Saturday 26th - Sunday 27th February 2022

Sadly we will not be participating this year but everyone in the community is welcome and taking part is free.

You can make a display in the windows of your flat, house, business, school, nursery, car, campervan, shop – or in your front garden!

Our Inclusion:

The Well-Being Ambassadors, the Playground Champions and the Junior Librarians have all been kindly providing a great variety of playground support this week...

We have created some new leaflets for the children explaining our ELSAs :

Emotional Literacy Support Assistants:

The ELSA programme is an initiative designed by Educational Psychologists to help schools support the social, emotional and mental health needs of pupils.

Some of the areas we provide support in are resilience, self-esteem, anger management, anxiety, grief and social communication.

As all parents know, they are able to make an appointment with the class teacher and/or SENCO to discuss concerns they have about their child's learning and development.

In addition to this The Inclusion Team would like to offer parents quick, drop-in opportunities where they can ask Mrs Harris (Deputy Headteacher, SENCo and Mental Health Lead) questions they have about their child.

These sessions will start on Tuesday 13th September 2022 at 8:30-9am and run each week. If you wish to attend please come to reception after drop off.

At the moment these sessions will be run on a first come first served basis, so there may be a queue.

If necessary we may move to a sign up or booking system but we wanted to see how many parents needed these sessions and how well they are attended.

Kind regards

The Inclusion Team

Reach For The Stars:

We Love Reading:

Lunar New Year in the Library...

Reflection and Prayers :

The Fruits of the Spirit:

Next week's Gospel Value is:


Proverbs 16:32

God of Peace, Your word states that it is better to be a patient person than a warrior; it is better to have self-control than to conquer a city.

I pray that I hold my peace and remain patient in all things.

I declare that I will not react out of emotion, instead I will reflect and wait before I act.

Patience is better to have than power, so Lord help me remain patient.


2 Peter 3:9

Lord, You are not slow in keeping my promise, as I understand slowness.

Instead You are patient with me, not wanting me to perish.

I pray that as You are faithful to me, I remain faithful to You, knowing that the things that I have not yet received shall come.

Just as You are patient with me, I pray that I patiently await Your will to come to pass.


...and finally...

...... in the Lunar Year of the Rabbit it is very fitting that Green Class have made a beautiful book called "The Three Little Rabbits and The Big Bad Fox"! What fabulous handwriting and illustrations!