March 2024 

Spring Term Review

Dear Parents and Carers

We've come to the end of the Spring term already a

Please do rest and take care of yourselves.

Best wishes

Angela Harris



A Reminder:

Our 2023-2024 school attendance target is: 97%

This half term we achieved:  95.5%

The number of families who have taken their children out of school early this week is 13 families, involving 24 pupils.

This week the Local Authority have contacted us regarding our attendance and have said that we must follow DfE guidance. This means that any families who take unauthorised extended holiday will get a letter and a fine.

Please be reminded that you and your child signed the Home School Agreement when your child started here, which states:

"As a Parent/Carer we aim to:

In the meantime, please be reminded that the aim is for your child to thrive at school and by missing the beginning or end of term they miss out on so much, not just academically but socially. They miss elements of learning, fun and social interaction that is likely to cause them distress when they return.

The statistics state that children who miss out on school when they are young follow this pattern throughout their school career and we are committed to all our children reaching their God given potential, as our School Mission states.

We would appreciate your help and support with this matter.

Lent 2024 Review:

Loving God For the gift of Lent 

For the season of Spring 

For the lengthening of the light 

We give you thanks. 

Grant us also the gift of slowing down 

May we walk with longer gentler strides 

May we breathe with deeper quieter breaths 

May we listen with wiser less restless ears 

And may we hear with truer hearts the haunting song that is the call of Christ to us. 


Archdeacon of Wandsworth

The special time of Lent will soon be upon us. I hope you are all ready for making pancakes to mark Shrove Tuesday next week!  You will have received a letter via parentmail today outlining our Lent fundraising activities. Please take the time to read this and discuss it with your child(ren). 

Our theme for Lent is 'Step in to Help' 

Each week will have a particular focus and encourage the children to think about how they can step in to help others and share their skills and what they have.  

We are asking for a donation of £3 via parentmail and this has been uploaded into the shop.  Feel free to donate more if you so wish…it all goes towards a worthy cause. Each week we will give an update in the Weekly Web Update.

We are encouraging the children to think about how they can be a courageous advocate and do their own mini fundraising activity at home.  We will be asking the children to share their creative ideas and fundraising towards our nominated charities. Please send in photos and explanations to  We will make a special photobook.

All of the children will have bought home their '40 Days of Kindness' poster today. Please put this on your fridge and encourage everyone in your family to take part. Lent is a time of reflection and a time where we can actively make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others.

Sharon Cunningham

Eid Celebration:  A Review:

The Joy Of Reading: We Love RFP:

Well-Being Week Review:

Our Wellbeing Ambassadors:

The Wellbeing Ambassadors worked seamlessly with Mrs Doyle last week to find out some general worries that children across our school may have. 

Mrs Doyle provided some fantastic tips on how to combat worries, see below.

Adele Stewart, Deputy Mental Health Lead

Brianne Doyle, Child Counsellor Visit:

In addressing concerns and anxieties among children, Brianne Doyle, a child counsellor, provided a range of effective strategies for the St Michael's children. 

Brieanne encouraged the children to adopt a detective mindset when seeking out friendships to empower them, fostering a sense of agency and control over their social dynamics. 

Moreover, she emphasised the importance of adequate sleep and regular exercise which can significantly mitigate worries, particularly those about stressful events such as SATS examinations. 

Finally, the incorporation of box breathing, a calming technique, further supports reduced anxiety and worries. 

'What Matters To You' task this week:

Rebuild Health: Teachers Wellbeing Workshop:

Rebuild Health is a not-for-profit group which aims to combat worries by promoting physical activity and mental wellness. 

We were fortunate to have a Rebuild Health session for teachers on Wednesday after school which included instilling gratitude practices, facilitating exercise routines, and guiding participants through meditative exercises.  

The enjoyable calorie-burning activities fostered a sense of accomplishment, and connection and improved the mental health and wellbeing of staff. 

Adele Stewart, Deputy Mental Health Lead

Dress To Express:

The children celebrated what makes them unique today with a fun dress up day!

News, Notices  And Reminders:

KS1 Visit to the Gurdwara:

KS1 have been finding out about the Sikh faith in RE. This week, we had a wonderful visit to the Gurdwara in Southfields. Mr Singh shared information about the Gurdwara, showed us the prayer room and showed hospitality by sharing drinks and biscuits. 

Some of the key beliefs of Sikhism are:

All humans are equal 

Work hard

Help others

Be kind to animals

Always tell the truth 

Only pray to one God

These are the key teachings of Guru Nanak who found Sikhism.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit. 

Visiting various places of worship is key to learning in RE as it helps the children understand how different people live and worship. 

Sharon Cunningham

WOW : "Let's Walk To School"

Badge Competition:

Deadline Tuesday 5th March

St Michael's School is entering the WOW badge competition as part of Living Streets. 

Each child has the opportunity to design a badge with the theme 'Walk with Imagination' and the template has been given out to every child this week.

Three badges across the school will be submitted for the competition. 

We will keep you posted!

Abbey Elstob

Fazl Mosque Open Day:

Saturday 10th February, 2pm-5pm

We are delighted to have received a lovely invitation from the Fazl Mosque that we would love to share with you.

" My name is Nassar and I serve as the Director of Outreach for AMYA UK. I wanted to invite you and your students to our open day at London Mosque (London's first Mosque) on Sat 10th Feb between 2pm-5pm (drop it at any time). It would be lovely to meet you and you are more than welcome to bring your colleagues. It will also be a great opportunity to learn more about the community, we will also have a special exhibition on display showing the history of the Mosque. I would be grateful if the attached can be shared with the students and their parents. Thanks.

Please let me know if you or your colleagues are able to make it, look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.

The address for the Mosque is 16 Gressenhall Road, SW18 5QL

Kind regards,

Nassar Bhatti

Director of Outreach and Public Relations


Wandsworth Library Activities During Half Term:

Scholastic Book Fair:

19th - 23rd February 

Children will visit the fair between Monday and Tuesday and be given a wish list to complete and take home with them.

If parents wish to purchase any of their chosen books they can do so via the QR code or the Scholastic website.

Every child will also be given a World Book Day voucher for a £1 discount.

Parents can also come and view the books between 2:30pm-3pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

See recent Parentmail for full details

Window Wanderland:

24th‑25th February: 5:30-9pm

"You’ll get a ‘Welcome Pack’ when you sign in with access to lots of inspiration for windows.

Tell your friends and neighbours (especially those who are elderly and don’t use Social Media) and ask them to get involved or help them decorate their windows."

More Windows = More JOY!

World Book Day:

We are celebrating World Book Day on Friday 8th March 

Come as your favourite book character - and be creative!  

Remember, you don't have to spend lots of money on a costume to make an impact.

Parent Prayer Group:

Meeting in school straight after drop off from 8.30/40 to about 9:15am:

Future Dates:

March 4th

April 15th

June 3rd 

1 July

Come through the front office and the Oasis room is through to KS1 on the left hand side.

And please feel free to pop your prayer requests in the box at the front desk.


Child Anxiety Webinair:

Supporting Common Child Anxieties and Worries:

Amended dates as follows:

Tuesday 27th February 


 Thursday 29th February 12:30-1:30pm

PE Half Term Review:

A special shout out to our girls football team who got the furthest we have ever got in the AFC Wimbledon tournament by getting to the finals. 

I am extremely proud of them and how they performed. 

They played 3 games in the group and drew 0-0 twice and lost one game 1-0. All the games were very close and on another day they could have gone our way. 

We have one girl that plays in a team outside of school which makes it even more special and is testament to the progress they have made attending the girls football club at school. 

Well done girls!!

Carl Rochford

We are now half way through the academic year and the children are making excellent progress in their PE lessons. This half term the children have been learning netball and basketball with Mr Rochford and apparatus gymnastics with Louise and Becks. 

In netball and basketball the children have looked at the similarities and differences of the two sports whilst learning the technical and tactical side of both sports. In apparatus gymnastics children have been learning about different ways to travel over apparatus, perform balances and use flight. Thank you to Becks and Louise from Kick London for their excellent teaching this half term.

It has been a successful half term for our teams with our new age kurling team getting to the quarter finals, both girls and boys football teams getting to the finals of the AFC Wimbledon tournament. Our boys came 5th out of 40 teams for that tournament and our girls will have just finished their tournament as this is published. 

The children in years 3-6 have competed in intra-house competitions for netball and basketball and the scores will be combined to announce the winners for spring 1 when we return. The children are showing a fantastic level of skill and tactical knowledge in these events and this becomes very apparent when we attend competitions and festivals for the borough when competing against other schools.

Please test your children's PE knowledge and skills at home over the half term and get them to show you the skills they have been learning. 

The children also learn the different parts of the warm up and the muscles they dynamic stretch so please test their knowledge (please note we have learnt most of the muscles on the diagram but not all of them).

Have a great half term break.

Carl Rochford

Head of Sport

Half Term Sports Camps:

Metro Tennis:

Monday 12th-Friday 16th February

Contact Metro Tennis to book:  

020 8150 5242 or

Roehampton Playing Fields:

February Half Term Camps:

Herne Hill Harriers:

Half Term Athletics Sessions:

Monday 12th - Friday 16th February, 10:30am -2:30ppm

0208 773 8733

Girls Rugby, Rosslyn Park:

16th February

Come along to the CPD course at Rosslyn Park regarding engaging women and girls in rugby, free to attend.

There is also a girls only training session on the same day so that those on the course have the opportunity to get involved in a girls session.

The CPD will run from 10:30-2pm and the girls session will run from 12-2pm. You are welcome to stay only for the CPD if you wish.

Sign up links:

CPD Course 

Girls Session

Holiday Camp Details:  

•             Dates: 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th February   

•             Time: 10am - 3pm (Registration 9.45 - 10am) 

•             Location: The Aspire Centre, Burr Road Entrance, SW18 4SS 

•             Ages: 4 - 6 yrs (different times/prices, and a mixed group) ,7 - 10 yrs  and11- 14 yrs 

        Price: £25 per day or £80 for the 4 days 

•             What to bring: Lunch (no nuts!), Water bottle, Suitable footwear (no metal studs – we play on 3G Astro Turf), Shin pads. If scheduled to rain – jumper and coat. If scheduled to be hot – sunhat, sun cream and loose-fitting clothing. 

To book your daughter on, please use the following link Girls Football Holiday Courses — AFC Wimbledon Foundation 

Our Church School:

"Pupils are inspired by RE and recognise it as a challenging but safe space to explore their own and others' religious, spiritual and philosophical convictions critically and responsibly"

(SIAMS Inspection Report: February 2019)

Prayer and Reflection:

Next Week's Gospel Value:


Lord, thank you for all You do out of Your great love for us. I pray that my heart seeks You and desires to see Your goodness in all of life’s circumstances. 

May I always trust in You even when I cannot see what You are doing. Help me more and more to see Your goodness right in front of me.

In Jesus’s name,


Father, help me to live Your goodness and kindness each day. Remind me that my actions express who I am even more than my words. 

May I love as You love. Let me be good to those who wish me harm, forgive those who need forgiveness, and reach out in kindness to all I meet so they can experience the unconditional love of God.


Please refer to the punctuality link on our website 

...and finally.... how lovely in this Well Being Week for the staff to come into the staffroom to this warm sight in the mornings!