Artiklar 1976-1980
1. John A Keel: The Mohtman prophecies (recension)
2. Jerome Clark & Loren Coleman: The unidentified - notes towards solving the ufo mystery (recension)
3. John A. Keel: The eighth tower (recension)
4. Brinsley Le Poer Trench: Secret of the ages - Ufos from inside the earth (recension)
5. Jacques Vallee: The invisible college (recension)
8. Allen Greenfield: Saucers and saucerers (recension)
9. Arthur Shuttlewood: The flying saucerers (recension)
10. Ashtar & Co - Från en annan synvinkel
11. Kjell Jonsson - Sveriges förste UFO-bibliotekarie (intervju)
12. Coral & Jim Lorenzen: Encounters with ufo occupants (recension)
13. David Spangler: Links with space (recension)
14. Brad Steiger: Gods of aquarius - Ufos and the transformation of man (recension)
15. John Michell & Robert J.M. Rickard: Phenomena. A book of wonders (recension)
16. Gamla föreställningar i ny tappning
17. Närkontakt av tredje graden (filmrecension)
18. David Tansley: Omens of awareness (recension)
19. Stephen Jenkins: The undiscovered country (recension)
20. Bigfoot - tales of unexplained creatures. Ufo and psychic connections (recension)
21. Leonard Stringfield: Situation red. The ufo sige (recension)
22. Douglas Baker: The occult significance of UFOs (recension)
23. John Magor: Our ufo visitors (recension)
24. Gray Barker: Gray Barker at Giant Rock (recension)
25. Don Elkins with Carla Rueckert: Secrets of the ufo (recension)
26. D. Scott Rogo: The haunted universe (recension)
27. Jerome Clark: Creatues of the outer edge (recension)
29. Jacques Vallee: Messengers of deception
30. Stuart Holroyd: Briefing for the landing on planet earth (review in English)
32. David Haisell: the missing seven hours (review in English)
33. The esoteric intervention theory - a preliminary source study (English)