A Snapshot of My Ancestors in 1800

About 200 to 250 of my direct ancestors were living in 1800. I have names and locations for about 66 of these. Specifically, 7 of my 3g-grandparents, 27 of my 4g, 10 of my 5g and 4 of my 6g. This page gives a brief description of where my ancestors were in 1800. I'll divide it into 4 parts, for my 4 grandparents.

The few decades after the American Revolution saw a rapid westward expansion of European civilization. Native Americans were pushed to the west, and were replaced by white settlers, with a pioneering lifestyle that was both rustic and brand new. In 1800, many of my ancestors were part of this expansion, others remained in the more established communities near the Atlantic coast, and a few others were still in Europe.

Ancestors of my paternal grandfather, William Ezra MARTIN

These ancestors lived in the southern colonies of VA, NC, SC and GA, with one line coming from the Old Cherokee Nation.

MARTIN in Laurens, SC

My 4g-grandparents, Reuben MARTIN (1745-1812), his wife Joanna HIGGINS (1755-1827), and their infant son, Henry, moved from Fauquier County, VA to Laurens County, SC during the Revolution, about 1776-7. Two of Reuben's possible sisters, Sarah and Agnes, also moved to Laurens. I don't know the reason for the move. They lived in Laurens the rest of their lives, and can be found there in the censuses. Reuben and Joanna had 8 more children in Laurens; the youngest one, Stephen MARTIN (1798-1866) was my 3g-grandfather.

In 1800 Reuben (55) and Joanna (45) had 7 sons and 2 daughters: Henry (24), Jemimah (23), Reuben Jr (21), Joseph (15), Benjamin (13), John Garrett (11), Sarah Sally (8), Samuel Neulan (3), and Stephen (2). The eldest son, Henry, married Frances Tasker BALL, about 1800.

The 1800 US Census shows the household in Laurens County. There are two women over 45. One is Joanna, and the other could be a sister of Reuben or Joanna. Reuben's mother was already deceased, but it could be Joanna's mother. Or possibly just a friend, or servant. Henry and Jemimah had left home.

This 1883 Map of Laurens County has details of property owners. The middle of Youngs Section, in the northeast, has several MARTIN properties. Presumably, one of these was the location of the Reuben MARTIN family in 1800.

Reuben MARTIN was my father's father's father's father's father's father. This paternal line has been traced back 8 more generations, to Merten of Ferndorf, Germany, born about 1505. Unless I am mistaken, he should be in Y-haplogroup I-P109.

1785 Districts in SC, showing Abbeville and Laurens Counties

CROWLEY in Oglethorpe, GA

James CROWLEY and Dorcas SMITH are said to have been the parents of 16 children. Not all of them are known. Sarah CROWLEY, wife of Stephen MARTIN, could have been one of them. Sarah and Stephen were my 3g-grandparents.

James CROWLEY (1772-1828) and Dorcas SMITH (1778 - 1852) were married 23 Feb 1799 in Oglethorpe County, GA, and they were there in 1800. They were in Lexington, Oglethorpe County in 1820, and it is likely that all of their children were born there.

Oglethorpe County was originally part of a large tract of land surrendered by Creek and Cherokee Indians to the Colony of Georgia in the treaty of 1773. It was first settled by Europeans in the 1780s, after the revolution. The county was founded in 1793, and by 1800 it had a population of almost 10,000. The boundaries changed several times in the early years.

So the CROWLEYs were part of a new and fast-growing group of early settlers in northeastern GA. The parents of James and Dorcas may have been living, but I have not found them.

1814 map of northeastern GA. The area to the northeast, across the Savannah River, is SC. The area to the west is Indian land.

SPRUILL in Abbeville, SC

My 4g-grandfather Stephen SPRUILL (1787-1869) was born in Abbeville County, SC, the son of William SPRUILL (1770 - 1846) and Elizabeth ROBERTSON (1775 - 1850). Stephen married my 4g-grandmother Margarett LORD (1786-1857) about 1808, and they were in Abbeville for the 1810 US Census. In 1800, Stephen SPRUILL, age 13, was surely in Abbeville with his parents. Margaret LORD was born in VA, and I have not found her parents, but it seems probable that she was still in VA in 1800.

In 1800, John Read SPRUILL (1745 - 1808), father of William SPRUILL, was living in Abbeville, but his wife had died in 1798.

The area now called Abbeville County, in western SC, was first settled by Europeans in 1756. It was originally part of the Ninety-Six District. The County government was formed in 1785. The population was 9,197 in 1790, and 13,553 in 1800, and 21,156 in 1810, so it was growing rapidly in this period. In 1785, Abbeville was on the outskirts of Western Civilization. By 1800 it was well-established, and the frontier had moved into northeastern GA.

1804 map of Abbeville, SC

ADAMS and MEDCALF in Anson (now Union), NC

Salathiel ADAMS (1799-1862), my 4g-grandfather, was born in NC, probably Anson County. It seems that his parents were Thomas ADAMS (1765-1820) and Millie Amelia MEDCALF (1774-1823). The evidence on the ADAMS side is very weak. However, Milly Amelia MEDCALF was born and raised in Anson County, the daughter of William MEDCALF (1743-1798) and Amelia (1745-1805), who was said to be Native American, probably from the Catawba tribe. The life of William MEDCALF is known in a little more detail. Amelia is my only 6g-grandparent who I know was still living in 1800. So in 1800, probably in Anson, NC, we have the infant Salathiel ADAMS and his parents, and grandmother.

The ADAMS household in 1800 consisted of Thomas (35), Millie Amelia (26), John (10), Lavinia (5), Salathiel (1), and Thomas Jr (0). Grandma Amelia (55) was a widow, and her 9 children were grown, so she may have been living with one of them.

Anson County was much larger when it was formed in 1750, and was reduced several times when new counties were formed. In 1842 part of Anson and part of Mecklenburg counties were made into Union County, This is where William MEDCALF and his wife Amelia lived, on Richardson Creek. William died in 1798, but his wife and 9 grown children were living in 1800. In particular, their daughter Milly married Thomas ADAMS about 1790, and they lived in the same area. Their 4th child was Salathiel ADAMS, my 4g-grandfather, born 17 Aug 1799.

This area was first settled by Europeans about 1740, and it was well-established by 1800. In 1791 an Act of the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina established the Wadesboro Academy. It was opened in 1803, in Wadesboro, Anson County.

This 1833 map shows Richardson's Creek, with headwaters in Mecklenburg County, flowing northeasterly through the northwest corner of Anson County, emptying into the Rocky River. Richardson's Creek is now mostly in Union County, formed in 1842.

HARRIS in Jackson County, GA

Sarah HARRIS (1800-1895), future wife of Salathiel ADAMS, was born in Jackson County, GA. Her parents were Joseph HARRIS (1749-1839) and Elizabeth CRIBBS (1775-1851). Joseph had 3 children from a previous wife, then married Elizabeth, and moved to GA by 1794, settling in Jackson County. The 1800 and 1810 US Census records for GA have been lost, so we seek other sources of information for the period before 1820.

In Jackson County, GA tax records, Joseph HARRIS was a landowner in 1798, with 143 acres on Sandy Creek, Captain Nicholas Tuttle's Company District. This record was repeated in 1801, and in 1809 Joseph had 334 ¾ acres.

In 1798 there was also a William CRIBBS with 143 ¾ acres on Sandy Creek, and 95 acres on Beaverdam Creek. In 1801 he still had the property on Sandy Creek. Surely this William was related to Elizabeth (CRIBB) HARRIS.

The parentage of Joseph HARRIS is a mystery, that has been researched by several genealogists. He was born in PA, and lived in Mecklenburg County, NC when he enlisted in 1776. Some claim that the parents of Elizabeth CRIBBS were Thomas Skinner CRIBBS (1744-1829) and Agnes DUNLAP (1745-1800), but this is not well-established. So in 1800 we know that Sarah HARRIS was born in Greene or Jackson County GA, her parents lived there, and possibly some of her grandparents.

Joseph (51) had 3 children by his first wife: Jesse (14), Topy (12), Mary (10). Then Joseph and Elizabeth (25) had 6 more: Thomas (4), Sarah (0), and 4 more born after 1800.

Jackson County, GA was formed from Franklin County in 1796, in northeastern Georgia, an area first settled by whites in 1786, and already had a population of 7,736 in 1800. Jackson County was then much larger, and starting in 1811, pieces began to be broken off, to form other counties. So this was another fast growing settlement, on the frontier in 1800.

1830 map of Jackson County, GA and surrounding area. Big Sandy Creek by then formed part of the boundary between Jackson and Madison counties.


William BOWERS (1787-1860), my 3g-grandfather, was born in VA, according to the 1850 US Census. He married Sabra CHRISTIE in 1842, AR. I don't know anything about his life between 1787 and 1842, but it seems likely that he was still in VA in 1800, at age 13.

Rory BOWERS has suggested that the parents of William BOWERS Sr were Andrew Jackson BOWERS and Catherine CAMPBELL. To support this, I have a close match on AncestryDNA who claims to be a 4g-granddaughter of George W. BOWERS, and another who claims to be a 4g-grandson of Andrew Jackson BOWERS Jr. It seems likely that William, George and Andrew Jr were all sons of Andrew Sr and Catherine. They may have moved from Rockingham, VA to Grainger, TN after 1791.

CHRISTIE in Old Cherokee Nation

The parents of my 3g-grandmother, Sabra CHRISTIE (1818-1862) were William CHRISTIE (1800-1833) and Mary WAH-LEE, the latter being a full-blood Cherokee. William was born and raised in what is now southwestern NC, and lived his entire life, as far as I can tell, in the Cherokee Nation East, or Old Cherokee Nation.

His parents were Edward "Ned" CHRISTIE (1785-1845) and Sallie PEAK (1790-1858). Edward was an uncle of the famous outlaw Indian, Ned CHRISTIE. The grandparents of William CHRISTIE were Trader John CHRISTIE (1764 - ?) and Hikatiyah "Oni" (1766 - ?). They were probably still living in 1800, since one of their children was born about 1796.

Edward "Ned" CHRISTIE and Sallie PEAK had 10 children, but I don't have their birth dates. If Sallie was born in 1790, it seems unlikely that any of her children were born as early as 1800.

Ned and Sallie lived in a 17-by-17 foot log cabin, with plank floors. They owned 65 acres of cultivated land, several farm buildings, and a large orchard. [DAM, pp. 23-4] They had a large family, according to the 1835 Cherokee Census, including a few slaves. Mihesuah tells us that "At the time of the valuation of 1839, Edward Nede and Sallie were worth $947.25." [DAM, pp. 184-5] Their home was near the present-day site of Murphy, NC, where the Valley River empties into the Hiwassee.

1884 map of the southwest corner of NC, showing the Valley River emptying into the Hiwassee, near Murphy.


My 3g-grandfather, William ALLEN (1822-1891), was born in AL, near the present location of Birmingham. His parents are unknown, but they were probably not in northern AL in 1800, as that area was Indian territory.

NORWOOD in Abbeville County, SC

Theophilus NORWOOD, my probably 4g-grandfather, was born about 1809 in SC. His parents, Richard NORWOOD (1782 - 1815) and Mary SMITH (1784 - aft. 1819), were born in VA, but moved to Abbeville, SC with his parents, and they were probably in Abbeville in 1800. This is all very speculative.

Ancestors of my paternal grandmother, Isel A. HUNTLEY

In 1800 the ancestors of Isel HUNTLEY were scattered between Ontario, NH, MA, VA and KY.


Ruth HUNTLEY (1716-1805), my 5g-grandmother, lived her entire life in Lyme. She married her first cousin, Samuel HUNTLEY (1713 - 1770). They had 12 children, many of whom stayed in Lyme. The younger children removed to NH, and one went to NY. Ruth was an 84-year-old widow in 1800. Her son Benjamin HUNTLEY had moved to Ontario, Canada.

HUNTLEY and BURGESS in Bastard, Leeds, Ontario, Canada

During and after the American Revolution, many American colonists with loyalist sentiments fled to Canada. The parents and all 4 grandparents of my 2g-grandfather Erwin HUNTLEY (1823 - 1885) were all in Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Canada in 1800. This is curious since it appears that both grandfathers had done some service on the American side in the revolution.

Benjamin HUNTLEY (1741-1803), my 4g-grandfather, moved with his wife and younger children, to Bastard in 1789. He died there in 1803, or 1800 by one record. I believe his wife, Bethia DURAN (1730-?), had died before 1800, but very little is known about her and his other wives. His wife's name was Esther in 1801. Benjamin's son, my 3g-grandfather, Enoch HUNTLEY (1783-1854) was born in VT, and eventually emigrated to MI, but in 1800, he lived in Bastard.

Benjamin (59) had 4 children: Duran (36), Lovina (34), Benjamin Jr (20), Enoch (17). Duran had 6 children in VT. Lovina had married Dan PECK in Lyme, CT, 1786, they had 6 children, with 4 born before 1800. Benjamin Jr married Amy STEVENS in 1800, and they lived in Canada until she died in 1804. So in 1800 we had Benjamin and his wife, sons Benjamin Jr and Enoch, and their wives, in Bastard,

My 3g-grandmother Betsey BURGESS was the wife of Enoch HUNTLEY (1783-1854). Betsey was daughter of Dennis BURGESS and his wife, Betsey. I don't have any dates for this family, but Enoch and Betsey were married by 1801, and their first child was born in 1803, probably in Bastard.

1842 map of Johnstown (Leeds), Ontario, Canada. [What was Bastard Twp is now part of Rideau Lakes Twp.]

BARTLETT and JUDEVINE in Charlestown, Cheshire (now Sullivan) County, NH

Horace BARTLETT (1795-1891), my 3g-grandfather, was born in Charlestown, Cheshire, NH, the son of Jacob BARTLETT and Patience JUDEVINE. Jacob BARTLETT died between 1795 and 1802, as his wife remarried to Samuel HOWARD, and a child, Laura HOWARD, was born 26 Jun 1802 in Charlestown. So I'm not sure if Jacob was living in 1800.

Patience JUDEVINE (1771 - 1855) was born in Lancaster, Worcester, MA, daughter of William JUDEVINE (1738 - 1814) and Patience GROUT (1740 - 1810). The JUDEVINE family moved to Charlestown during the Revolution, about 1777. So William, Patience Sr and Patience Jr were all in Charlestown in 1800.

Charlestown is a Town (ship) on the Connecticut River, in Cheshire County, NH until 1827, when the northern part of Cheshire, including Charlestown, became Sullivan County. Charlestown is also the name of a village within Charlestown. The first European settlers came in 1740, and by 1800 the community was well-established, with a population of 1,364.

European settlement of New Hampshire generally began in the south, and proceeded northward, up the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers, and along the Atlantic coast. Vermont, on the west side of the Connecticut River, was less developed in Colonial times, but grew quickly after the Revolution. By 1800 NH had 183,858 people, VT had 154,465 and MA had 422,845.

1796 German map of Charlestown, Cheshire (now Sullivan) County, southwestern NH.

BOYNTON-GROUT in Lunenburg, Worcester, MA

Col. John GROUT (1704 - 1771) and Joanna BOYNTON (1712 - 1806), my 6g-grandparents, lived in Lunenburg, Worcester, MA, where they had 13 children. After 1753 the family removed to Rindge, Cheshire, NH and then to Jaffrey, Cheshire, NH in 1758, where John GROUT died in Jun 1771. His widow Joanna lived another 35 years, and died in 1806, back in Lunenburg. So she was probably in Lunenburg in 1800.


The wife of Horace BARTLETT was Sally WOODWORTH, who was born 28 Apr 1801 in VT or NH or LC (Lower Canada). There is wide discrepancy as to the birthplace, and spelling of the name. Her father may have been Elijah WOODWORTH (1772 - 1847).


My 3g-grandfather, Jacob FISHER (1801-1858) was born in KY. I have no record of Jacob until 1830, when he married in Lawrence County, IN. His parents may have been David Bish FISHER (1777 - 1855) and Rachel PETERS (1777 - 1833).

BOYD in Berkeley County, VA (now WV)

John BOYD (1735-1800) and Sarah GRYFYTH (1740-1806), my 5g-grandparents, lived in Berkeley County, VA (part of WV, formed in 1863). Their property was about 5 miles west of Martinsburg, on the southeast slope of North Mountain, which is a long ridge, running southwest to northeast, like many of the mountain ridges in this region.

John wrote his will 8 Apr 1800, and it was proved 23 Jun 1800, so he died between those dates. Their grown children had all moved to KY, except Elisha BOYD, the famous general.

BOYD in Bourbon (Nicholas) County, KY

John BOYD (1760-1828) and Ann Nancy MARTIN (1770-1825), my 4g-grandparents, moved their family from Berkeley County, VA (now WV) to Bourbon County, KY around 1797. The part of Bourbon County they lived in became Nicholas County in 1800. At that time the BOYDs had 5 children, with 9 more to come. My 3g-grandmother, Juliana Asia BOYD (1810-1970), who would marry Jacob FISHER, was not yet born.

In 1800 John (40) and Ann Nancy (27) had 4 children: William Glenn (8), Sarah D (6), John Jr (3), and Elijah (1).


Andrew Joseph KELLER and Phoebe BENTLEY were probably my 3g-grandparents, the parents of Sarah Anne KELLER, who married David A. FISHER. Andrew and Phoebe were married 12 Apr 1837 in Lincoln County, NC. Phoebe was born about 1815, and Andrew was probably also born after 1800. Their parents are unknown, possibly in NC.

Ancestors of my maternal grandfather, Fred Albert GAPINSKI

Fred's ancestors were all in north central Europe until the 1850s. I don't have many details, except for one extended family in Mecklenburg.

GAPINSKI in Poland/Prussia

Michael GAPINSKI and Agnes ZALAZINSKI were my gg-grandparents. I don't know anything about them, except that they lived in Wąwelna, Poland (German: Lindenwald). This is a small village in northwest Poland, about 150 km (100 miles) SW of Gdansk, a major port on the Baltic Sea. Their 3 known children were born 1860-1880, so they were probably born about 1840, roughly. I'm guessing that their grandparents may have lived in Poland/Prussia in 1800.

BAUER in France or Luxemburg

My 2g-grandmother Maria BAUERS (1859 - 1894) was probably born in Elgin, IL. Her mother was Sarah "Sallie" BAUER (1833 - 1914). Sarah BAUER was born in France or Luxemburg, daughter of Jacob BAUER and Anna Mary BRIGHT. Nothing more is known about Jacob and Anna. They or their parents or grandparents may have been in France or Luxemburg in 1800.

SASS and HINT in Boddin, near Gnoien, Mecklenburg, Germany

Sophie M. F. SASS (1825 - 1903), my 3g-grandmother, came from Boddin, a small village in Mecklenburg. Her parents were Johann Friederich SASS (1792 - 1847) and Maria Christiana Ilsabeth HINT (1802-1860). So Johann was 8 years old in 1800. His parents, Jochim Levin SASS (1758 - 1831) and Anna Dorothea JENNERJAHN were married in 1790, and lived in Boddin, where 4 of their 7 children were born before 1800. I haven't found the parents of Jochim or Anna, except that Anna's father was also named Jochim. The parents of Maria HINT were Johann Christian HINT (1769 - 1865) and Margaretha Maria EGGERT (1770 - aft. 1820). They lived in Boddin, where 2 of their 6 children were born before 1800. The parents of Johann HINT were Julius Hinrich Christoph HINT (1724 - 1818) and Ilsabe Dorothea LASSEN, who were married in 1766. In summary, Sophie's father, all 4 grandparents, and at least 1 great-grandfather, were living in or near Boddin in 1800, along with many others of her extended family.

1782 map of the Rostock region. Gnoyen (Gnoien) appears in the Dutchy of Mecklenburg, in Lower Saxony. Boddin was a small village on the southwest side of Gnoyen.

Ancestors of my maternal grandmother, Dora EATON

The ancestors of Dora EATON came from England and Ireland, and a few were still there in 1800, while others had immigrated to New England and NY.


James EATON (1798 - 1864), my 3g-grandfather, was born about 1798 in NH according to the 1850 US Census, or 1799 in NY according to the 1860 US Census. The gravestone for James EATON in North Plato Cemetery, Kane County, IL says that he died on 8 Oct 1864, at age 67 years, 7 months, and 12 days, which means his birth date is 24 Feb 1797. There were several EATON families in New England, and I have not yet found the connection.

LEE and FRENCH in Northampton, Hampshire, MA

Sara LEE (1803 - 1888), the wife of James EATON, and my 3g-grandmother, was born in Milburn, NY. Her parents were Nathaniel LEE IV (1770 - 1845) and Sara FRENCH (1770 - 1850), from Westfield, MA. In 1800 they were in Northampton, Hampshire, MA, and in 1803 they were in Milburn, NY. They eventually settled in Broome County.

Nathaniel's parents, Nathaniel LEE III (1733 - 1795) and Sarah HUBBEL (1742 - ?) had settled in Broome County, NY in 1788, but I don't believe they or their parents were still living in 1800.

The parents of Sara FRENCH were Samson FRENCH (1742 - 1834) and Lusannah "Lucy" ROOT (1752 - 1829). They lived in Westfield, MA, and had 13 children. The 1800 US Census has them in Northampton, Hampshire, MA, and they eventually removed to Broome County, NY. All 4 grandparents of Sarah FRENCH had died before 1800.

SEWARD in Nanticoke, Tioga (later Broome) County, NY

Levi SEWARD (1793 - 1880), my 3g-grandfather, was born in Nanticoke, NY, the son of Jedediah SEWARD (1758 - 1842) and Martha SMITH (1768 - 1814), my 4g-grandparents. Jedediah SEWARD was a revolutionary soldier, born in Granville, Hampden County, Massachusetts Bay Colony. He married Martha SMITH, and they moved to Nanticoke, Tioga County, NY in 1786. This became part of Broome County, formed in 1806, but in 1800, they lived in Nanticoke.

SEWARD in Kortright, Delaware County, NY

The parents of Jedediah SEWARD were Aaron SEWARD (1732 - 1803) and Elisabeth CLARK (1739 - 1833). They lived in Granville, Hampshire (later Hampden) County, MA. Before 1790, Aaron and Elisabeth, and some of their grown sons and daughters, moved about 100 miles west, to Harpersfield, Montgomery County, NY.

Otsego County, including Harpersfield, was formed from Montgomery County in 1791. Kortright was formed from Harpersville in 1793. Delaware County, which included Kortright, was formed in 1797 by combining portions of Otsego and Ulster counties. So in 1800 Aaron and Elisabeth found themselves in Kortright. I don't believe any of their parents were still living.

SPENCER in Unadilla, Otsego County, NY

Harriet SPENCER (1809 - 1885), my 3g-grandmother and wife of Levi SEWARD, was born in NY. Her parents were Elisha SPENCER and Thankful SMITH. I believe this is the same Elisha SPENCER who was born 24 May 1784 in Unadilla, NY, son of Jonathan SPENCER and Martha KEACH. If so, the family remained in Unadilla until at least 1830.

Unadilla became part of Otsego County when that county was formed in 1791. Between 1772 and 1791, Unadilla was in Montgomery County, a large area that was split into several counties. It is about 30 miles east of Chenango, Broome County.

STURGES and TWELL in Horbling, Lincolnshire, England

My 3g-grandfather, William STURGES (1799-1855) was born in Horbling. William was baptized on 6 Jul 1799, and his sister Jane on 6 Oct 1800, both in Horbling. It is not clear whether William emigrated to America along with several of his children, but he and his parents, Emanuel STURGES (1769 - aft. 1806) and Mary TWELL (1774-1851) were probably in Horbling in 1800. Their youngest child, Emanuel STURGES Jr was christened 05 Jul 1805 in Horbling.

The parents of Mary TWELL were Robert TWELL (1740 - 1824) and Ann WALKER (1751 - 1824). They both died in Mar 1824 in Horbling, and seem to have lived all their lives in Lincolnshire.

The parents of Emanuel STURGES were William STURGES (1753 - 1793) and Elizabeth MEASURES (1749 - 1832). Researchers in England report that William died in Great Oxendon, Northamptonshire, England in Jan 1793, and Elizabeth (MEASURES) STURGES died in East Farndon, Northamptonshire, England in Feb 1832. I don't know where Elizabeth was in 1800, but I'll tentatively include her in the Horbling group.

MARTIN in Hacconby, Lincolnshire, England

Elizabeth MARTIN (1803-1850), my 3g-grandmother and wife of William STURGES, was born in Hacconby, so her parents, John MARTIN (1766-1844) and Esther LANE (?-1852) and the first 6 of their 8 children were probably also in Hacconby in 1800.

In 1800, John (34) and Esther (?) had 4 children living: Ann (11), James (9), Mary (4), and John (0).

SHARKEY in Ireland

Margaret SHARKEY (1837-1909) was born in Bray, Wicklow, Ireland. She married Emanuel STURGES (1825 - 1902). They were my 2g-grandparents. The parents of Emanuel were William STURGES (1799-1855) and Elizabeth MARTIN (1803-1850), described above. The parents of Margaret were Edvardi SHARKEY and Bridgida LEE. Nothing else is known about them, but we can imagine that they and their parents may have been living in Ireland, perhaps near County Wicklow, in 1800.

Margaret was my mother's mother's mother's mother. If I am not mistaken, she should have mt-haplogroup H3as.