2012-03-27 56X Buick

VOLUNTEERS - Jim Baker, Al Batts, Jerry Bush, Del Carpenter, Ron Elzinga, Don Feutz, Don Mayton, Art Meidema, Chuck Snow.

The photographs depict what was worked on during this session as well as other work where photographs were not taken.

Work still is progressing on the powered swivel front seats.

Chuck with Jerry doing the welding is building a structure for the support and installation of the rear two bucket seats.

Also, Ron has been preparing the bumper for future chrome plating.

Art, continues to work on the body parts in this case the deck lid.

Ron is doing final repairs on the modified driving light - bumper bombs in preparation for the chrome plating. This is the polished brass bezel that fits inside of the driving - light bumper bomb.

Those are Don Feutz's hands as he polishes the rear lower bumper pieces. There are four of these special trim pieces that fit just on the lower portion of the rear bumper.

The photo with the ribbed piece Don was also working on for the chrome plater. Here Jerry had to do some soldering to raise a low section. This piece had to be cast and machined by Ryan DeVries as one piece of the pair was missing from the front of the car. If you do not recognize this piece it goes on the corner of the front fender just under the top bumper piece.

Chuck Snow has been fabricating at home the rear support structure for the rear bucket seats. The next phase is weld tacking in place all the parts, removing it, and then final welding.

Other work included Del working on the chassis and finishing up many small details.

Jim has been doing so modifying on the lower frame of the swivel seats both for installation and lowering the entire seat assembly.

Jerry today was the go to guy for both welding, soldering, and brazing.
