2012-01-24 56X Buick


Volunteers: Jim Baker, Al Batts, Del Carpenter, Dick Chambers, Connie DeJong, Ron Elzinga, Don Feutz, Don Mayton, Art Meidema, Dick Saddler, Chuck Snow.

Jim disassembled the parts on the right front swivel seat mechanism that includes all the parts. He then sand blasted the parts and prepared them for priming. Connie and Art then did further preparation for painting and the first primer coat was applied.

Al continues to document the restoration with photographs. He also continues to be our photo library historian and well as our go to man for Futurliner material.

Last week the front wheel bearings were removed by Del and Rich Saddler finding that the inner race was the wrong part number. Then the following day the incorrect inner race for the front spindles were taken to the local bearing dealer and the correct ones ordered. I picked up the correct inner race portion of the bearing assembly and today Del installed these. In addition the hoses from the radiator were installed. Next off comes the steering box for a slow oil leak.

Dick Chambers, Connie, and Art continue to work on the inner front fenders for final painting and buffing. The last coat of primer has been applied. Also they have started on the many inner black metal parts.

Ron and Dick Saddler have discovered that with all the Buick bumper parts we have that one of the bumper bombs belongs to the "C" body rather than the "B" body. That simply translates into the fact that a third bumper bomb must be modified to accept a driving light. All has not been lost as they moved quickly, found the correct bumper bomb and in one work session managed to modify the third bumper bomb to accept the driving light bezel. There is still a lot of detail work to finish.

Chuck, and both Don F, & Don M. have been working making the four foot pads that go in front of the bucket seats. Chuck is the lead on this project designing the foot pads from the remnants that we had from the driver's seat. He has also came up with the materials that we needed to use so we could make these foot pads in house. Now comes the detail work of assembling each of the four foot pads. Then following that is the preparing for chrome plating.

Ryan DeVries for the past week has been working on the side exhaust tips. At lunch today he told me he will be pour the hot metal for both the right and left exhaust tips.

Although we are a long ways off in finishing this speicial one-of-a-kind car we are making steady progress.
