2011-02-08 56X BUICK


VOLUNTEERS - Mike Ball, Al Batts, Del Carpenter, Connie DeJong, Jerry Bush, Ron Elzinga, Don Feutz, Don Mayton, Art Meidema, Dick Saddler, Chuck Snow, Rick Sorgen

The photos by Al again shows the areas worked. Lot of parts were prepared for the final coat of "RED". The main parts painted today includes the differential torque tube assembly, the brake backing plates and a large assortment of small pieces. There are still a lot of pieces yet to get the "RED' treatment.

In the other work shop Dick Saddler and Jerry Bush worked at the individual "BUICK" and "CENTURY" letters. This will be a lot of work as it is all hand work. Del continues to work on the newly painted chassis. He also hand dipped all the brake line, fuel line and other clips that must be installed.

Chuck started the process of cleaning up the old upholstery so that we can preserve it until that portion of the car is worked on. It is essential that all the original formed pieces that the upholstery is attached to be saved for future use.

Mike and Al have also started the major job of filing all the material that we have accumulated on this car.
