sustained investigation #12

Why the long face?


This portrait was of a person who might exist, or might not. Either way I Just made their face as I went. This person has little relation to my life other than they were made up from my mind.

Again I used acrylic on the backing of a pad of paper. This process has served me well in my past project and I continued it for this project. The acrylic holds it color well on the cardboard where ink and other things soak in or change color on the cardboard. I wanted to use some non traditional colors for the face so I mixed all of the colors I used.

The project was made using color and line primarily. I outlined all the facial features and wrinkles and then used color to accentuate those features and to add some depth. While this project is far from photorealistic, I tried to add some depth and value with different shades of my colors. I sketched this project directly onto the surface I would be painting and then made changes from there. I then started filling the outlines I created with colors and highlighting other areas with the colors. My next step would be to change the background. The background I did, doesn’t really work with what the face looks like.