independent project #1

My first independent project I revisited a project I had done last year. It was the word artichoke with the O being an artichoke. I stayed with the artichoke theme and made an artichoke with the word artichoke above. I did this by creating a print of it and eventually a sticker. The sticker was made with vinyl and the print was ink. I chose to curve the word above the artichoke instead of printing it straight across the middle of the artichoke.

I didn’t use any formal composition rules or techniques in my artwork. I made it high contrast with minimal detail on the artichoke. I did try and add some detail with the small lines on the leaves of the artichoke. The project also didn’t evolve that much either. I took the idea from my past year project and changed the design. I changed the artichoke and not the words to the focus of the project.

I made this print with the sole purpose of creating a graphic from which I could create a sticker. The previous design wasn’t my favorite artwork, and I like my new design a litle better. The new design also made a better sticker because it wasn’t so long and stretched out. The project doesn’t relate to my life that much. To improve the artwork I would space my letters closer together. The first few letters have a lot of space between them, but I began running out of room and had to push the letters closer. I would try to stick with consistent spacing between letters to improve my print.