civic expression/ scholastics #3

For the third scholastic piece I stuck with the Civic expression prompt. I created a picture of a shoulder with an “I Voted” sticker on the shirt. Everything but the sticker and the background of my drawing was done in graphite so it just looked a little bit monotonous, but I drew the sticker in color to make it stand out from the shirt. I used basically a grayscale on the person which uses value. The colored sticker created a little bit of contrast with the gray shoulder.

The sticker and stripes showed selective color. I chose to only use the red and blue as the only colors in the drawing. The sticker is also kind of like a focal point for the viewer and the stripes act a little like a leading line to the sticker. This project was pretty straight-forward. There wasn’t much change except for the sticker. I also was going to include more of the person’s body but I cut it short to make the sticker stand out more. The sticker’s writing and shape were constantly being changed and I still think I could refine it a little more.

I chose to do a second civic expression piece because I didn’t love any of the other prompts. The editorial cartoon was a cool idea but I had no clue what I would have done. The New York Life prompt also was interesting but the exemplar drawing was intimidatingly well done so I chose not to do that one. This project doesn’t relate to my life in many ways. To improve my drawing I would probably re-draw the sticker. The text on the sticker is just slightly different sizes. I would also add darker values to the shirt.