scholastics #2

King of Spades


This project is an interpretation of a playing card. The card is the king of spades and it is arranged as cards are usually arranged: the figure is mirrored over a horizontal line and the figure is facing forwards. I chose to make this because I didn’t know what to draw and Mr. Andreson talked about he thought doing a playing card would look cool. I agreed with him and I created this. Because the idea isn’t mine, there isn’t much relation to my life.

This project was a print. I carved a linoleum block using a caring tool with a variety of tips after sketching my design onto the block. When the block was carved, I inked it with a brayer and black block printing ink. I then pressed it into the paper using a pin press.

I used shapes and patterns to create this project. The checkered pattern on the chest of the king is also mirrored over the horizontal line. This creates some pattern where we can see the hinge that it flipped around. The entire image is made up of shapes. There are only two values so the pieces are high contrast and separate with very little depth. It took me a long time to get a print I liked, which was the part that took the longest. I tried two different types of paper to finally get a prit I liked. My next steps could be to crop my paper so the print is more central and straight on the page.