extended blind contour

These two drawings were created using blind contour. One was of a toy school bus and the other was a plastic butterfly. I created the outline of the work using a sharpie and a fine point marker and then I colored the two using watercolors. These drawings used line for the outline and color to make them a little more interesting. They are mostly line because they are a blind contour drawing but they looked a little boring without color.

I used a relatively high horizon line on the school bus drawing. I added the sky behind it and no ground. The sky adds a sense of space and the lack of ground still makes it look a little more intriguing. On the butterfly drawing The butterfly ended up towards the top right corner nd the leaves in the foreground were darker towards the bottom left corner. The longer leaf going along the bottom towards the right corner makes the three elements in somewhat of a triangle making it the rule of thirds. I had originally done four blind contour outlines but I only used these two because they were the most recognizable and had the best line quality.

I chose these items from a myriad of options and also chose one more item: a water buffalo. The water buffalo drawings looked really weird however and I ended up only using the butterfly and the school bus. I haven’t ridden the school bus and each time I did it was either for sports or because there was no other option of getting to school. I have always disliked riding buses because I can never seem to get comfortable on them. This relates to my life and the school bus drawing because I always associate discomfort with school buses. To improve these drawings I would add a border to the butterfly one and I would smooth out the watercolor in the sky for the school bus drawing.