Scholastics #4

For the fourth scholastics piece I painted a window. This window was cropped out of a larger image of a wall. I painted this on canvas paper with acrylic. There was color used throughout the painting even though most of the paints I mixed were varying shades of gray. There was also some lines used in the window panes and trim. The window top and bottom displayed balance in the use of the same color as did the sides.

For this project there weren’t any composition techniques used in its creation. However it did evolve. I had originally planned on doing a realistic recreation of the window but I kept getting further from that the more I painted until I eventually just added the purple and officially decided it wasn’t going to remain realistic any longer. There also was a lovely stone wall in the original photo that I changed.

This window was on this long and industrial looking building in Scotland. I was on a hiking trip through the Scottish Highlands and we hiked by this building and I took a picture of the wall that this window was on. This window relates to my life because it is part of a photo I took. To improve my artwork I think I will add a background or at least some context as to what this window is on or in.