

NAG 5.14



In 1994, the Parents Association asked for the school to have a uniform. The uniform was phased in over two years and after community consultation, was made compulsory for the 1997 school year.


1. To ensure that all children are dressed in clean & tidy clothes

2. To prevent the problems that occur when ‘label gear’ comes to school.

3. To develop pride in the school and in the community, to make our children look smart, feel smart and to influence their attitude by having a dress code.


1. At the enrolment interview prospective families will be given the uniform sheet and told that uniform is compulsory at Pt England

2. New Entrants will be requested to purchase uniform before their first day at school

3. In cases of hardship a variety of accommodations can be made to ease the situation. Families should know they can speak to the Principal about this.

4. Any child who is not in uniform must have a note explaining the situation and the child must be back in uniform as soon as it is practically feasible.

5. In cases where a child is repeatedly out of uniform or uniform is incomplete, the matter will be referred to the Associate Principals so home contact can be arranged.

6. Where there are spasmodic uniform problems a set letter can be sent home by the classroom teacher. These are available from the office. Be sensitive in these situations, it is often not the child’s fault.

7. If a parent refuses to have their children in uniform they are welcome to bring their concern to the attention of the BOT and a BOT committee will meet with them and try to resolve the problem

Formulated: 1999

Reviewed: 2002