

NAG 5.16



The Smoke Free Environments Act became law on 28 August 1990. this legislation placed a new responsibility on the employer to provide a healthier work place for its employees and the Act requires that Pt England School has a written policy on smoking in the work place.


1. That Pt England School, as far as is reasonably practicable, protects not only staff who don’t smoke or those who don’t wish to smoke, but also protects school children from the effects of tobacco smoke.

2. Smoking is not permitted in any room or corridor or in any part of the school buildings. As of May 22/2000 smoking is not permitted anywhere on the school property while the school is open for instruction. No staff member or school employee will smoke whilst carrying out their paid duties.

3. The school walk way will continue to be publicised as a smokefree area with the appropriate signage and in school newsletters.

4. Staff & helpers who smoke, may go for a walk off the school property during break times. The Board of Trustees and School Management do not wish to see smokers near the school sign or out on the footpath at the front of the school

5. Staff wishing to enter into a programme which will help stop smoking, may apply to the Pt England Board of Trustees for financial assistance up to $50 upon receipt of the course fees.

6. Complaints concerning the workplace smoking policy can be addressed to the BOT through the staff representative. Once the Board receives a complaint, they must address the complaint and try to resolve it. If the Board cannot resolve the complaint it should be referred in writing to the Auckland Area Health Board. Complaints or enquiries from smokers can also be addressed to the BOT and thence to the Human Rights Commission if unsatisfied.

Formulated: 1995

Reviewed: 1999

Unanimous BOT mtg 22/5/2000

Unanimous BOT mtg 21/5/2001