



This policy is to help ensure that the school complies with the Privacy Act 2020. This policy attempts to summarise aspects of the Act into plain English and to provide staff with simple, brief guidelines to follow.


1. To provide and protect individual privacy.

2. To establish guidelines with respect to collection, use and disclosure of information relating to individuals.

3. To provide an avenue for complaints about interferences with individual privacy.


1. Personal information will be collected only for a purpose connected with a function of the school and only where collection is necessary for that purpose.

2. Personal information will be collected directly from the person concerned unless:

-The information is in the public domain

-Doing so would prejudice maintenance of law or safety

-The person has authorised collection from someone else

-Individual collection in mass situations would be completely impractical, yet the information is necessary to the function of the school and will not prejudice the individual

3. When collecting information, people will be informed that this is happening and informed of the purpose for the collection. If people have a right to withold information, they shall be informed of their right.

4. Personal information of a sensitive nature will be securely stored.

5. People may have access to their own personal information.

6. Stored personal information must be current, correct and not misleading.

7. People may request corrections be made to their stored personal information

8. The school will not disclose personal information without individual authority except in conditions covered by the Act.

9. School enrolment materials shall be designed to provide parents with information as to the passing on of student records and to facilitate permission and ease of transfer of medical, educative and other summative material.

10. The principal will be responsible for ensuring that the intentions of this policy are enforced, though the school secretarial staff will function as Privacy Officer for this workplace.

11. If privacy is breached the School will follow the school Privacy Breach Procedure.

12. Complaints may be made to the principal in the first instance. If the complaint is not satisfied it may proceed from there to the BOT and thence if necessary to the Privacy Commissioner.

Formulated: 1995

Reviewed: 1999