Student Behaviour


NAG 5.8



All members of Pt England School, both adults and children have the right to work and play in a safe, secure and happy environment. Students, staff and parents need to be responsible for their own actions and show respect to each other, their property and their environment. We will help our children to develop appropriate social skills and personal behaviour.


1. To ensure that staff and pupils treat each other in a mutually respectful manner, that we have a safe school and that student well being is paramount.

2. To help children to understand that all teachers have a right to teach and all pupils have a right to learn.

3. To have a discipline plan and set of school rules that encourage appropriate behaviours at school and at home.

4. To ensure that appropriate behaviour is encouraged and rewarded with positive responses.

5. To teach children that breaking school rules and displaying inappropriate behaviour is their choice and unacceptable, and that there will be consequences to their actions.

6. To negotiate classroom agreements of appropriate behaviour so the class develops a sense of control and ownership.

7. To learn and teach alternative strategies for managing behaviour.

8. To use a clear set of disciplinary measures to deal with problem behaviour.

9. To involve parents with the ongoing implementation of our behaviour policy.

10. To at all times encourage and develop a sense of self worth, respect for school, family and community.

11. To ensure that staff and pupils are emotionally and physically safe


1. The behaviour code is known and understood by the whole school, community, parents/caregivers, staff and pupils.

2. All members of the school community are expected to abide by the code.

3. Parents/Caregivers are contacted when their child's behaviour at school is causing concern.

4. All consequences of unacceptable behaviour build towards a more acceptable behaviour.

5. Children with recurring behaviour problems will be referred to the Special Needs Committee, and with parent permission outside agencies can be involved to work with child and family.

6. Bullying, stand-overs or intimidation of any kind will not be tolerated. We do not expect this of adults or children.

7. We respect the rights of individuals, children and teachers to choose and to be self determining within certain boundaries.

8. We do not detain children after school unless parents have had prior notification. Pupils may if required be detained during the lunch recess. The Associate Principals are in charge of the "Rethink" programme and manage a Rethink Google spreadsheet. All Rethink attendance is listed in the spreadsheet and specific reasons stated. We do not give Rethink attendance for unsatisfactory work, only for behaviour, and not for issues that should have been settled in the classroom.

8.The two Associate Principals oversee the discipline in each half of the school. If teachers are being challenged by children in their classrooms, or elsewhere, they should try a variety of strategies themselves first. Secondly, they should consult with Team Leaders, who may make suggestions or become involved themselves. If necesssary the concerns should be shared with the A.P.s, the RTLB’s and finally the Principal.

9.We would like parents involved in an informal way early in the proceedings and we want all our staff to feel free to convene parent interviews or to visit homes often. When doing so, please inform your immediate superior what you are doing and why, and get some advice before you carry on.

10. This school has excellent procedures for dealing with difficult children and teachers must not struggle on alone if they are having difficulty. We share our children. Please avoid getting locked into a procedural approach which can weaken your options and box you in. Also avoid threats, you do not have to propose any consequence until you have had time to stop, think and take advice. The strength of our approach is that it is a chain people who will each propose or use a variety of strategies, rather than the approach being a system.

11. Our most challenging children should be referred to the Special Needs Committee through Team Leaders. These children will end up with case managers and possibly significant others.

12. There will not be placement of a child in the corridor or isolation as a consequence at any time. Children who are sent out of the room, must be sent with someone, to someone, with information explaining what happened.

13. All serious incidents will be documented and dated.

14. In the event of behaviour serious enough to lead to Stand-Down, Suspension or Exclusion, the staff and the BOT will follow the procedures outlined in the Ministry of Education document, 'Guidance for Principals & Boards of Trustees on Stand-Downs, Exclusions & Expulsions, July 1999'.

15 For more detail of behaviour management, our Student Care & Management programme and the involvement of our staff in home visits etc. please click on the link or visit Keeping to the Pt/Teaching Behaviour and our Values Programme.

Special Needs and Care Crew Register

Formulated: 1991

Reviewed: 1995