Drugs, Alcohol & Substances


NAG 5.11



The purpose of this policy is to ensure that we as a school assist our children to make sensible choices and decisions about their use of drugs as outline in the Health Syllabus.


1. To implement a drug education component of our Health programme.

2. To ensure sensible use of medicines at school.

3. To model sensible use of smoking and alcohol by adults at school and school related functions, including education outside the classroom experiences.

4. To ensure that adults and children who are identified as having drug related problems get appropriate assistance.

5. To decide on appropriate ways of handling drug information which may come to light.


1. There will be a visit from the Life Education Mobile Classroom each year to all levels of the school.

2. Any pupils who are required to bring medication to school must show an explanatory note from the child's Caregiver to the School Office. The medicine will be kept at the office and administered as directed.

3. All medicines kept on the school premises will be put into a secure cupboard in the medical room or admin office with the exception of asthma inhalers.

4. No smoking is allowed on the school property under any circumstances. All NZ schools are Smokefree zones.

5. Consumption of alcohol by adults at staff and school functions outside of school hours can continue as at present, but all should be aware of the role models they present to children. On such occasions non-alcoholic drinks and food should be available. All School Camps and events involving students will be alcohol free.

6. Any information about drugs that comes to light during the teaching of CHOICE will be handled as laid down in the Memorandum of Understanding.

7. Contact will be made with agencies who can help any students or staff members who are found to have problems related to their use of drugs. Children are made aware of such helping agencies through their classroom work on CHOICE.


The approach of the drug education module CHOICE is educative. The Police Education Officer is present in the school in that role.

We need to establish an atmosphere of trust between the school staff, the parents, the children and the Police if the approach taken in CHOICE is to be successful. The confidentiality of our students’ comments in the classroom will be respected by the teachers and the Police Education Officer. However, if information about drug use or abuse comes to notice that threatens students safety and welfare, then both the school staff and the Police Education Officer have a responsibility to take action. This will be done by the school and the Police consulting with each other as shown below:

1. The teacher and the Police Education Officer discuss the information about drug use or abuse that has come to notice and decide whether any further action need to be taken.

2. If further action is considered necessary, the teacher and the Police Education Officer should then approach the Principal of the school.

3. If appropriate, the Principal consults the Board of Trustees and available community agencies to resolve the matter.

4. The Principal and the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees meet the senior local Police Officer, to discuss any matter which relates to illegal drug use.

The Ministry of Education Circular 1982/34 sets out guidelines which can be used when dealing with drug issues.

Formulated 1996

Reviewed 1999