Quick 60




In our school we have a significant number of children who arrive at school having had no pre-school experience and who are completely pre-academic. This gives rise to a considerable number, who at the age of 6yrs, show that they are in need of extra help in reading.


1. To adequately assess the reading needs of all students at age 6.

2. To give children who display significant reading difficulties the opportunity of expert help from a Specialist Reading  teacher.

3. To carry out Quick 60 lessons as recommended by the Iversen Programme.

4. To  assess and monitor as per Quick 60 Programme  methods, the progress of the children on the programme.

5. To liaise with caregivers and encourage home support for the reading needs of the child.

6. To test children regularly. 

7. To monitor children’s progress for a period when tested off the programme.


1. Selection of children who show the lowest stanines or reading levels  after pre testing Feb/March and 6 Year Survey data . 

2. Parents will be kept informed of child’s placement in the programme. Selection process will involve Specialist Reading teacher/s, DP and Team Leader/s.

3. Children selected will be withdrawn from class and will work with the Quick 60  teacher in the designated area.

4. Except in atypical cases which will have been discussed by the Special Needs Committee, children will be kept on the programme for approximately 60 lessons. Children who show no signs of progress after 10 - 12  weeks will be discussed with DP and  Team Leader.

5. At Pt England School  discontinuation level is dependent  level 

8. In the event of questions, concerns, or even complaints arising from this programme, the principal will be notified. The principal will relay the content of any such approach to the Deputy Principal who will then meet with the Specialist Teacher to find the best way in which to handle the approach. From time to time the staff meeting or syndicate meetings may be used as avenues for discussing, altering or evaluating this programme.

Formulated: 2018

Reviewed: 2019