Enrolment Scheme
NAG 6.4
The Board of Trustees has adopted an enrolment scheme for Pt. England Primary School to manage roll growth and avoid overcrowding. A school capacity plan has been prepared by the Board of Trustees and approved by the Ministry of Education in order to manage property growth. This enrolment scheme is designed to cater for the local community by ensuring entry to all pupils who live inside the geographical area outlined below.
Within the limits of available resources and facilities, positions will be made available to students from outside the defined local community. Priorities for enrolment are specified below.
Home Zone:
The school will give entry as of right to all children who are residents of the zone which is bounded by the following roads.
From Tamaki Estuary, travelling west along Tuakiri St, then north onto Tripoli Rd, to Erima Ave. North along Erima, then west up Anderson Ave, taking in all of Bagnall, Waddell, Holland, and Ropata Aves. South on Pilkington Rd. from Anderson Ave, then north-west onto Apirana Ave. to the round-a-bout. North onto Line Rd. through the Glen Innes shops to Taniwha St, then East on Taniwha, including Halford Pl, as far as Concord Pl. South on Elstree Ave, then East on Pt England Rd. down to Tamaki Estuary.
(See map)
Zone map with boundaries is here
Out of Zone Enrolments:
These will always be completely subject to the availability of facilities and resources in the school. Each year, the Board will publish the availability of out of zone places available for the following year. The Board will specify in which year group, if any, these vacancies apply. Entry in these cases will be by application as described in the notice which will be advertised in our local newspaper.
First priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.Â
Second priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students
Third priority will be given to applicants who are children of board employees.
Fourth priority will be given to all other applicants.
If there are more applicants in any of the priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be made by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of the ballot by notice in our local newspaper.
Formulated: 1996
Reviewed: 1998