Matthew 7 Evangelism: Bearing Fruit in the Kingdom of Heaven

Evangelism, Bearing Fruit in the Kingdom of Christ, Matthew 7


A. Jesus commands us to seek first the kingdom of God. Matthew 6:33

B. He began that sermon in Matthew 5 with the "Beatitudes" and the order "Even so shine your light before men, that they may see your good deeds, and glorify your father who is in heaven." (5:16)

C. If we seek the Kingdom of God first and do the good works that glorify our father, we will be the light of the world, not only through our deeds, but by our teachings, the gospel that Jesus preached.

D. The last chapter of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7, advises us on the guiding Principles in the work of evangelism.

I. Matthew 7:1-5 – Before condemning the sinner, which is what we do when we say that the Gospel commands that all repent (Acts 17:30), you must clean up your own life, so you may have a clear view of the faults of another.

A. We cannot see very well the faults of others, when we do not humbly examine our own faults first. We are of no use to the Lord when we are arrogant and self-righteous.

B. However, Jesus calls us to put his kingdom first, which means that we must save the lost. We must judge them to save them. We are forgiven sinners who call other sinners who are not yet forgiven.

II. Matthew 7:6. With a clear view to judge the lost, we must also judge when not to share the gospel.

A. Dogs and pigs were not only unclean, but in their filth, they did not appreciate the value of the holy message.

1. Dogs enjoy eating the carcasses of long dead animals and even wallowing in the putrid and foul-smelling death. Sin and sinners are like that. They smell bad.

2. Pigs were not only unclean ceremonially and omnivores that would not only eat as the dogs, pigs are kept in pens that retain the accumulation of odors that few men can ever get used to. Sin defiles a man and makes him odious to God and to his fellowmen.

B. When the hearers mocked the riches of God's mercy, and they rejected the gospel, the time came when the evangelist had to walk away. They were behaving like pigs and dogs toward God clean and precious pearls.

1. Matthew 10:14 Jesus commanded them to shake the dust from their sandals in protest against the rebellious.

2. Acts 13:45-46, 51 The example of Paul.

3.2 Corinthians 2:14-17 The same fragrance of truth that saves some, condemns others.

C. They are the Treasures of Christ's wisdom. Ephesians 3:8

1. They are pearls. Matthew 13:46

2. They are the riches of the goodness of God. Romans 2:4

3. They deserve the respect not only of the one who hears, but of the preacher.

III. Matthew 7:7-11. When we seek the Kingdom first, (6:33) and judge righteously (7:1-5) the sinners who need the gospel, withdrawing the precious gospel from those who despise the pearls of God's wisdom, (7:6)....we still need God’s help to continue in the fight for the Kingdom of heaven.

A. It takes God's help to carry out his great works.

1. We need economic support.

2. We need vindication when we are falsely accused.

3. We need open doors to share the gospel with the people who have good hearts.

4. We need courage to present the message in a dignified manner, when we boldly speak the word.

5.We need the strength to persevere.

B. Jesus said, "Ask, and you will be given; Seek, and you will find; Knock, and it will be opened to you. "

1. God knows how to give good things to those who ask him.

2. James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

3. There will be persecution, trials in the form of unfair sufferings. James 1:12-15 explains that God does not send those things, but he will make them a blessing to us.

A. God does not cause men to reject the message.

B. They become angry and sin against the messenger and afflict and persecute.

C. But God prepares us so that we may remain faithful despite all the wickedness in this world.

IV. Matthew 7:12 the Golden Rule. Our guide in Evangelism.

A. We must anticipate the feelings of others. We must empathize. We must put ourselves in their shoes, understand where they are, where they have gone, and how best to approach them to persuade them with the message that saves the soul.

B. We have to serve them, be the servant without complaining or muttering.

C. We have to demonstrate the sincerity of our faith, and our love for Christ, and our sincere desire to help others.

D. That demands kindness and courtesy, which open doors. (since we have prayed and asked God for the open doors.) Goodness softens hearts hardened by sin.

E. Patience with bad manners and bad words, and common offenses in the world.

F. Matthew 5:39 When you are slapped on the left side of the face, offer the other. That's how we win worldly hearts.

V. Matthew 7:13-14 The Narrow Path is Difficult.

A. Evangelism is difficult. Loving sinners is hard.

B. Understanding the mistakes of false doctrines is difficult.

C. Learning to use the Holy Word very well is difficult. But it is necessary to evangelize.

D. Learning a strange language and different customs is difficult, but it is necessary to carry the Gospel to far-away places.

E. Bearing up to hearing the abuse of sinful, inconsiderate, unfaithful brethren... is difficult.

--smells ugly. It's dangerous.

--It demands the great faith to risk one’s life, friendships, well-being, financial security, and health. Great faith is hard. Challenging. Difficult.

VI. Matthew 7:15-20 Beware of False Prophets.

A. When we enter evangelism, we seek faithful brethren to support us as allies in Christ. Unfortunately, there are many false people in evangelism.

1. Acts 20:29-31 There are wolves.

2. Galatians 2:4-5 There are false brothers

--Galatians 5:10-12

3.2 Corinthians 10:10-12, 18; 11:1-6; 11:13-15 There are false apostles disguised as apostles of light.

-- 2 Corinthians 12:11-12

B. By their fruits you shall know them. (7:16)

1. Their fruits, and our fruits as well. We will be judged by our hearers by what they see in us.

2. Matthew 12:24, 30, 33-37 We will be judged by our fruits.

3. Galatians 5:22 The fruits of the Spirit, (the fruits of righteousness, James 3.18)

4. Matthew 3:10 John demanded fruits of repentance

5. John 15:2, 5, 16 Without the fruit that Jesus teaches, he will cut us off from the vine.

6. The unbelievers of the Jews refused to bear those fruits. We must die to sinful passions to live the new life. Romans 7:4-6.

VII. Matthew 7:21-23 Say and Do

A. The Evangelist announces the Great Truth, the treasures and the riches of God, of justice

--For others! He condemns sin and offers the righteousness of the Gospel, the new life, the new way of living.

B. But -- What does he do in his personal life? It is not he who says Lord, but he who does the will of the Father.

1. The condemnation of the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23:13, 15 was that they did not DO righteousness, they did not live righteously and justly.

2. They sought the favor of men (23:6-12). They were liars (23:16-22). They were greedy (23:25). The Messengers of God were persecuted (23:29-36)


A. Hear and Do.

B. Matthew 7:24-27: The sage builds his house on the rock by listening and putting into practice the things that he has learned from the words of Jesus.