Matthew 5:47 What are you doing more than others?

What more are you doing than others? Matthew 5:47


A. Matthew 5 begins with the Beatitudes, v 1-16: "So shine your light before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father who is in heaven."

B. One of the impediments before the disciples was the bad examples of the hypocrites of the Pharisees and scribes. Declared, “For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:17-20.

C. Jesus specifically teaches us various practices that disciples should do better than others. The consequence of not doing better, that is, if our righteousness does not surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees, the consequence is that we go to hell.

1. Salvation is not by faith alone. Once saved, not always saved.

2. Our repentance that begins when we are baptized in Christ must lead us to do better, live better, and be more righteous in our conduct, than those of the more worldly, profane, and unbelieving. If not, we will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

I. We must reconcile quickly with the adversary, 5:21-26

A. Any pharisee or worldly person insults and defames those who provoke him, saying "Raca" or "idiot."

1. The offense is often found in marriage, or in the church.

2. When we are angry, because of whatever provocation; it can be a disagreement between spouses, or it can be a difference between brothers in the church; we must control the tongue and not give In to fleshly impulses that lead us to say outrageous things. Once we've said those words, we can't undo the damage that Is done to the relationship between us.

3. God is witness and hears everything we say. The victim is not forgotten and God does not forget. In the passion of the moment, we said more than we intended to say. Even so, God will judge us. Our words will condemn us to hell.

B. The disciple must do more. He must humble himself and seek reconciliation, or else he will be condemned by the Judge of all men, v 22.

II. We must dim the covetous eye, that is attracted to the beauty of another's wife, 5:27-32. (That is, the maiden who does not belong to his eyes)

A. Although desires are normal, adultery is not normal.

B. If your right eye or your right hand causes you to sin, it would be better to cut them out instead of going to hell.

1. The most popular pastime in the world is to covet, and to sin in the heart with a woman that one does not have a right to. This sin condemns us to hell.

2. Therefore, the sin of adultery is so serious, that it would be better to pluck out the eye with which man looks to covet another's wife, because God will throw all adulterers into hell. If with the hand the man manages the circumstances, so as to carry out his plans of adultery, it would be better to lose the right hand than to go to hell.

3. Adultery condemns both the unbeliever and the disciple of Jesus except for the blood of the cross. Christians take care not to commit adultery because they do not want to go to hell. The saved can lose his soul, if his righteousness does not exceed that of the scribes and the Pharisees and all the rest of the worldly.

4. The world's pastime of coveting beautiful girls, provides the temptation for young women to dress in such a way as to draw attention. The short skirt, the low-cut blouse, the fabrics and fashions that reveal the seductive shape of the body. They're not innocent. 1 Timothy 2:10; 1 Peter 3:1-16.

C. If you think of fulfilling your desires by divorcing your wife and marrying the object of your desire, it is still adultery. Marriage and family is for life so that there may be everything necessary to sustain, educate, and raise children. Adultery is a very serious sin.

1. The world surrenders to filth. They think that they can play with the intimacy that belongs to marriage and defeat God's purposes for marriage by means of divorce. If they are divorced, they think that it is not adultery if they marry and fulfill the desires of the heart. Is that right? “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” Galatians 6:7-8

2. God does not forget the vows of marriage, even though man does forget. God judges that one is still obligated to the wife of his youth, the mother of his children, even if the man loves another. God judges him as an adulterer and throws the man into hell.

3. But everyone is divorced, and homes are destroyed, and children are orphaned, without the godly education and manners that only faithful parents can instill. What are you doing more than others?

III. It is necessary to guard the tongue from taking in vain the name of the Lord, so that “what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.” Matthew 5:33-37.

A. Oaths are necessary because everyone lies when it suits them.

B. We have lawyers, and endless legal contracts, because worldly men do not keep their promises and the necessary obligations of everyday life.

-- Lies lead us to hell just as quickly as adultery. Revelation 21:27.

C. The Christian is obligated to tell the truth without contracts, without oaths, and without the threat of civil courts. What do you do more than others?

IV. We must leave vengeance in the hands of God. Our obligation to every man is to love him. Matthew 5:38-48.

A. Everyone is looking for a way to avenge himself of the offenses committed against them, whether great or small.

1. Genesis 4:23-24. Lamech is an example of the profane man who is avenged when another hurts him. “Lamech said to his wives: “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; you wives of Lamech, listen to what I say: I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me. 24 If Cain's revenge is sevenfold, then Lamech's is seventy-sevenfold.”

2. Jesus demands more from his disciples: “But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” V. 39

-lawsuit? Let him have the cloak too!

-Is he forcing you to go a mile? Go with him, two!

3. Jesus compels us to give to him who asks us: "Don't turn your back on him."

B. In addition, Jesus compels us to love our enemies, sincerely. 5:43-48

1. Love and pray for those who persecute us. V44 – and don't get revenge.

2. So that we may be "children of our Father who is in heaven."

A. The children reflect the parenting of their parents. They follow the father's example.

B. The Heavenly Father causes His sun to rise on evil and good, and to rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

C. God's reward depends on this kind of love. Everyone loves those who love them. Even the bad guys love their own.

1. ¿What are you doing more than others? Don't the Gentiles also do the same?

2. Not everyone will go to heaven. Almost everyone in the world will be condemned to hell.

D. Therefore, be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.

1. Who does not understand that no man is without flaws? God gives us the example of maturity which is the meaning of the word "perfect."

2. We are obligated to behave As Mature People, as God.

3. That is how we know God and God knows us. Otherwise, Jesus will say, “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” Matthew 7:23.


1. What do you do more than others?