


A. The Lord has given women a place of great influence in the spiritual world, in the world of character through their power as mothers and wives.

B. According to God's order, the woman has a right to be protected and cared for by her husband.

C. All the protections afforded by the faith of Christ for women are now disappearing with the feminist movement.

I. The Divine Plan

A. Suitable helper, Genesis 2:18, 21-24

B. Modest, 1 Timothy 2:8-15

1. Not exercising dominion over man.

2. She was the second person formed by God --- but she was the first one deceived.

3. Her manner of dress and physical adornment, can be used to have power over men, the power of seduction that threatens the integrity of the marriage.

C. A gentle and quiet spirit, 1 Peter 3:1-6: “of great esteem before God.”

-- as opposed to a “quarrelsome woman” (Proverbs 21:9, 19) who makes the home a miserable place to be.

D. Subject to her husband, Ephesians 5:22-24.

-- in the same way that she and her husband are subject to Christ.

E. It is called "patriarchy"- the lordship or authority of the Fathers.

1. Fathers such as Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the Twelve sons.

2. Young women have been poisoned against a Bible concept which places men at the head of homes, churches, and government. Men whom God has commanded to protect and provide for their homes and community are regarded “toxic.” Men as fathers have been ridiculed as foolish and weak and needing the wisdom and strength of women to keep from destroying everything. Men are painted as fundamentally unfaithful, selfish, abusive, tyrants and rapists. Our sons, raised in this unbelief, are becoming precisely that in many broken homes.

F. The Feminist Movement is a product of the unbelief of humanism.

1. Seduces by saying "We must seek the true self – What I want, MY dreams, Who I am – MY Personal rights. Humanism is satanic and fleshly. It uses lies and deceptions to entice women and men into selfish thinking and living, fulfilling fleshly desires, our baser desires. He says, “You have been a slave to your husband and children for too long. It is time for some “Me-time.” Motherhood, he says, does not allow you to be fulfilled or meet your potential. You are greater and more important than that. You are woman. You are powerful. As a wife you are weak and submissive. Satan is a persuasive liar.

2. Charles Darwin, Charles Marx, the Socialists – Anti-Christ: Despise "sacrifice." The philosophers who gave us the false science of “evolution,” and the bloody revolutions of “communism,” have show their foolishness, hypocrisy, and malignant true identity as spokesmen not just of unbelief but of Satan himself. Their fruits have slaughtered hundreds of millions of men, women, and children over the last century and a half.

G. There is no divine calling higher than that of being a mother.

1. The privilege of motherhood is worthy of the highest angels.

2. "A woman who is so selfish that she would despise to have children is, in fact, criminal."

II. The consequences of belittling motherhood.

A. Immorality

1. Marriage and fertility decrease together at the same time.

--1 Corinthians 7:1-5 Because of fornication, it is good to marry. The desire to procreate is strong in most men and women. God created the biology and the desire to give us the blessing of children and family, not to give us another sport to entertain us. The only godly way to meet that desire and remain righteous, holy, and clean is to marry and raise the children that God naturally gives us as a result of our sacred decision.

--1 Corinthians 6:18 Fornication is a sin against one’s own body.

2. With The use of contraception, and “family-planning,” young people take the marriage: 10 years, 20 years,... or sometimes they never get married.

a. Are they celibate? Do they remain virgins? With today men and women, it is not regarded as normal. Fornication is expected.

b. The vast majority of our young men and women, even many Christians, fall into fornication, and have many different relationships, moving from one relationship to another.

c. With those who "love" or want to love and be loved, the confuse love with the desires of the flesh, the feelings.

3. The pursue their career, then into settle in their job, then they buy a home, etc.

4. Adultery and fornication destroys marriages.

B. Death

1. Abortion kills females in China and India, also in the U.S., because if we do not want to have children, or we cannot have many children, we want to first have males.

2. Fornication, the contraceptive pill, and abortion also kill many women.

3. Feminism has now put women in places of danger, that previously were filled by men: in work where men suffer from high blood-pressure, and many other illnesses and dangers that previously affected only men.

--In addition, we now send women to war. 150 women died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

C. Women lose the unique feminine abilities to love children, to be tender, soft, and harmless.

A. They lose the art of the kitchen.

B. They lose the art of compassion, caring for the sick.

D. Children in day-care suffer.

1. There is no one like the mother to take care of her children.

2. It is not possible to do two things: focus well on two different things at the same time. Take care of the family and take care of the career or the job.

3. It is not possible to have more than two or three children and pursue your career.

4. The mother feels guilty, she suffers separation anxiety when she leaves her little ones in the nursery. Her children also cry a lot at first until they accept their mother's absence. They are hurt by the changes of people they trust.

5. Russian proverb – "If you chase two rabbits, you won't catch any."