Jesus Against Relativism

Jesus Against Relativism


A. Pharisees and unbelieving Jews were relativists.

1. The Law always applied to others and not to themselves.

2. Modern Pharisees are also very "superior" in their own eyes -- as they indulge in and approve the most heinous and disgusting sins.

B. Let's examine Jesus' treatment of "relativism."

I. The Issues of Relativism -- personal opinion, convenience as a moral standard

A. Pharisee relativism

1. The Honor of Parents -- Matt 15:3-9

-- Hypocrites have a double-standard, "applies to others... NOT to me," personal convenience, rationalization, flexible laws, relative application.

2. Adultery -- John 8:4-9

-- Hypocrites ignored the guilt of the men: "applies to women, not to men"

3. Lying -- Matt 23:16-22

-- Truth: "depends on the circumstances"

B. Modern relativism

1. Honor parents – But that depends on how old they are or how much care they need. Sometimes it is not convenient and we have better things to do. A better option for the elderly would be euthanasia, suicide.

-- "whatever is right for you is right"

2. Adultery is wrong – but that depends on what's good for your "happiness." Doesn’t God want us to be happy?

-- "if it feels good, do it"

3. Lying is wrong – but that depends on the good of others, community, business, convenience, family harmony, ... always depends on the circumstances, and all is relative. There are no rights or wrongs.

-- we have as many exceptions as the Pharisees.

II. Jesus' Absolutisms -- Jesus taught absolute truth.

A. Matt 5:20 Your righteousness must exceed that of the scribes and the Pharisees.

-- Why? Because their righteousness was relative to the circumstance, convenience -- hence human standards.

B. Adultery

1. Matt 5:27-32

2. Strict, simple, absolute.

3. Adultery starts in the heart, leads to divorce.

4. What makes you "feel good" -- if not your lawful wife -- is sin.

C. Lying

1. Matt 5:33-37

2. Let your yes mean yes -- no means no.

3. "Honesty is the best policy."... with clients, with friends, with family...

4. Straight ...Not crooked.

5. John 8:32 You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.

-- 16:13 the Spirit of truth will guide you into all the truth; 17:19 We are sanctified by the truth; Pilate asked, "What is truth?" (He was discouraged and cynical because of the relative, flexible, convenient "truth" that all know is a lie.)

6. Gal 3:1; 5:7 "obey the truth" (Rom 2:8: Gal 2:14)

-- 1 John 1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth.

-- Rev 21:8 All liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire.


A. The Pharisees were corrupt, but to appear righteous they would pray long and loud; they would fast, and wear special robes, and severely rebuke all around them for minor infractions.

B. Modern relativists live immoral lives but to appear righteous are politically active, and enforce “political correctness.” They well cry out against hate and call righteous correction, “hate speech.”

1. They will tell you how to raise your children, while they abort their own.

2. They tell you how to conserve the environment.... and pass laws forcing you to live their way.

3. They will tell you how to keep healthy ... while often abusing drugs privately (saying, “It is none of your business what I do in the privacy of my home.")

4. They will tell you how you ought to treat the poor, needy, homeless -- and how to protect the rights of women, children and the minorities... to make themselves feel good -- yet oppose the only FAITH THAT TRULY DEMANDS THAT WE HELP THE HELPLESS.

C. We must be cautious about the sophistry used to justify any disregard of the absolute laws of Jesus Christ.