Dinosaurs: the Dragons of the Bible

Dinosaurs -- The Dragons of the Bible


A. Some have lost their faith over the apparent lack of mention in the Bible of dinosaurs.

B. Let us be ready to answer those who destroy our faith by false science which is used as an arrogant weapon against the Bible.

I. The word "Dinosaur" is not mentioned in the Bible because it was a term not invented until 1841. by Sir Richard Owen.

A. Current evolutionary dogma asserts that "dinosaurs" walked the earth 235 million years ago, before any human being existed.

1. They teach as the facts of science that their fossils are found in layers of sedimentary rock that dates from millions of years ago.

2. They teach as fact that these creatures have been extinct for 65 million years.

II. If you accept the Bible, men and dinosaurs lived together from the beginning.

A. Genesis 1:24-25 created on the same day or at least the same week.

1. Job 40:15-24 Job had knowledge of living dinosaurs in his day.

2. Survived even the Flood of Noah, being kept alive on the ark.

B. If you start with the Bible, all becomes simple, but if you start with the assumption of atheists and secularists, it prejudices all conclusions.

1. Rom 12:1-2 our service to God is rational

2. Prov 1:7 fear of God is the beginning of KNOWLEDGE

3. Prov 9:10 fear of God is the beginning of WISDOM

C. Genesis 1:21 "great sea monsters" -- tannin, same word as dragons elsewhere

1. Ps 74:13 dragons in the waters

2. Isa 27:1 dragon in the sea

3. Job 41 leviathan, breathing fire

4. Isa 30:6 flying serpent

5. Job 40:15-19 moves his tail like a cedar (behemoth)

6. Sumer: 2,000 BC Gilgamesh killed a dragon

7. Alexander the Great, generals report in India a people who worshiped huge hissing reptiles kept in caves.

8. China: dragon stories. prominent in their pottery.

9. England's story of St. George slew a dragon in a cave.

10. 10th Century Irishman wrote of a creature which had to be a "stegosaurus" before the name was invented.

11. 1500's European science book: Historia Animalium listed several living animals we would call dinosaurs.

a. May 13, 1572 near Bologna, Italy, a peasant killed a small dragon/dinosaur.

12. Mexican Mayan and Peruvian Incas made idols and painted the skin colors and designs of dinosaurs along with other more familiar animals.