Children of Adultery

Children of Adultery


A. Deuternomy 23:2 one of illegitimate birth shall not enter the assembly of the Lord

B. Exodus 20:5; 34:6-7 "For I , the Lord you god, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mery to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments."

1. But not punished, Deuteronomy 24:16; Ezekiel 18:20

2. Therefore the visiting of the iniquity must be the consequences that the children suffer for the sins of their fathers.

C. Modern elites study and teach Plato and his Republic.

1. Advocates that the wives and children be held in common by the men.

2. Children would best no know their mothers and fathers.... and be raised communally.

3. Women should have equal opportunity to serve in the military as well as police roles.

4. There should be no private property.

5. Medicine should not be for the sick but for the healthy. Deformed children should be discreetly disposed of.

D. This study will advocate marriage and the raising of children in the Bible Way.

I. God made marriage as the ideal arrangement for forming a family.

A. Genesis 2:24 Adam joined to Eve as one flesh

1. 4:1-2 thus Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel.

2. 4:26 within that family, men began to call on the name of the Lord

B. Genesis 18:17-19 God saw Abraham and his quality as a father ideal for raising children because he would command his house to do what was right.

C. Psalm 127 Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it ...

II. The offspring of dysfunctional relationships suffer for a lifetime.

A. John 8:39-41 We were not born of fornication -- children of Abraham

B. Judges 8:29-31 Gideon's concubine from Shechem, Abimelech murdered his 70 brothers

C. Judges 11:1-3 Jephthah was the son of an harlot, driven from his mother's house.

D. Deuteronomy 23:2 Not enter the assembly of the Lord to 10th generation.

E. Hebrews 12:8 If not disciplined, then illegitimate sons and not true sons.

III. Orphan stereotypes bear out the Bible position on the children of immorality and neglect.

A. The horror movie "Orphan" is stirring controversy because of the stereotypes

1. Disturbed orphan shatters her adoptive parents dream of a wonderful life together.

2. Not unlike the common experiences of some but not all adoptive parents.

B. Typical stereotypes are such as this list

1. Less intelligent, worse, insecure, emotionally unstable.

2. Unable to feel secure, express love, or endure physical contact.

3. Aggression out of a need to defend and protect themselves.

4. Problems with learning, perhaps caused by the instability of living conditons.

5. Teachers and Adoptive parents tend to be overly tolerant but protective, by instinct, their own children from contact with the emotionally unstable persons such as orphans. Tend to be excluded from parties.

C. Children newly released from orphans homes in Eastern Europe: 10% commit suicide, 50% are recruited to crime or prostitution, 30% become addicted to drugs or alcohol in the first year.

IV. Children of Adultery and/or Divorce

A. Also suffer lifelong scars and lose much of the sense of security found in the home. Become apprehensive.

B Parents lose their focus on the children and focus more on themselves.

C. Anxiety is expressed by clinging, bed-wetting, thumb-sucking, tantrums, fire-setting, night terrors. These are very similar to the symptoms of sexually abused children.

D. When they reach adulthood, they are less likely to remain monogamous. More likely to divorce, more likely to be teen parents, more likely to be troubled in school and have behavior problems.

V. The Sins of the Fathers hurt their children deeply.

A. Bad behavior of parents often passes to the children.

1. Wife beating -- as much as the children hate it, they repeat it as adults.

2. Promiscuity -- as much as the children hate it, they tend to become promiscuous in their teens.

3. Prisons -- prisoners are 5 times more likely to have fathers who were in prison.

B. Adolf Hitler was the bastard son of a bastard. His father beat him and his mother mercilessly when he was growing up. As an adult he became one of the most cruel and savage of dictators of all time.


A. 41% of all children in the US are born of immorality, that is, those who are not murdered by abortion. This speaks of a very selfish and self-absorbed population.

B. Only the Gospel can save our children for ourselves and our sins. We must obey God order for the