Amoral and Immoral World View

Amoral and Immoral World View

Assaults on Jesus Christ – Against the Home


A. Media Blitz Krieg attacks against the moral standards of the Bible.

1. As the Nazi lightning and focused attacks of WWII

2. We are blitzed from Films, TV shows, News and Documentaries (History Channel, A&E, Nova, PBS, Network News, AP, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox …)

3. Writers are educated, indoctrinated in the Public Schools

4. Political point of view is actually a religious faith.

B. Supposed NEUTRALITY in education and entertainment.

1. Neutrality is a myth. The reality is that all of these forces are promoting actively or passively another faith.

2. The faith goes by many names: humanism, agnosticism, atheism, statism, socialism, communism, progressivism, political science, social justice, liberation theology…

a. All are connected and woven together in the various political movements.

b. Animal rights, Gay rights, Women’s rights, Environmental movement, Social Gospel

I. The False Doctrine of Neutrality.

A. Matthew 12:30 Who ever is not with Me is against Me…

B. Joshua 24:14-15

C. 1 Kings 18:20-24 Elijah versus Baal

D. Amos 6:1-7 At ease in Zion, 7:10-17 the king’s sanctuary

E. Revelation 13:4-9 Dragon worshipped – gave authority to the Beast (pagan civil government)

1. Blasphemous words against God, His name and His dwelling (= those who dwell in heaven, Phil 3:20)

2. Second Beast – Religious enforcer of Sea Beast worship, great signs (2 Thess 2)

a. deceives the earthly, v. 14

b. Mark of the Beast = character of the Beast: humanist, immoral, socialist, etc.

F. Neutrality

1. Neutral on “instrumental music” = doubt on the issue which implies support for the practice, no resistance to the practice.

2. Neutral on abortion = doubt that fetus is a baby, implies “pro-choice” which is support of the mutilation of the unborn.

3. Neutral on fornication = not always sinful, implies not morally evil which is support for those couples who choose to live together without matrimony, and the illegitimate conception of children, etc…

4. Neutral on divorce and remarriage = doubt on the evil of destroying the home for personal pleasures and ambitions. Implies the support of silence on the issue which is support for the sin.

5. Neutral public defense of the Gospel, Bible, Christianity, which implies that you prefer silence which guarantees and permits false doctrine the freedom to advocate deception without answer or rebuttal.

6. Neutral on Evolution = doubt that the Bible is the Inspired Word of God. Which implies that the Bible is defective, unreliable, and unqualified to judge us in righteousness. Therefore willing to silence opposition to evolution = allow the fraudulent science to masquerade as science.

II. Fraud of Communism, Socialism, and Statism (all powerful dictatorship of the proletariat)

A. Exodus 5:2 Who is the LORD that I should obey Him?

1. Plagues show dominion over the gods of Egypt – ultimately over the god-Pharaoh who claimed the divine right to rule as he pleased.

2. The last plague killed the heir or son of the so-called god Pharaoh.

B. Divine right of Kings

1. Daniel 4:17, 25-27, 30-33 Lesson learned by Nebuchadnezzar

2. Persians elevated the law of the king above the king himself.

3. Romans elevated Caesar to the status of god.

C. Recent history: kings were subjugated to the laws of the people beginning with the Magna Carta. Then ultimately our Constitution. We are regressing to a belief in the divine right of civil governors.

1. Seeds of humanism were sown even by Jefferson and Franklin in their statements regarding human rights which were raised above the principles of righteousness.

2. Political movements grew out of the softness on the Bible teaching and authority.

D. Socialism manipulated human language to stir up revolutions among the profane.

1. Based in Envy, injustice, Grievances, and Class envy and warfare.

2. Assumes that educated civil servants are good and benevolent and not corrupt.

E. Power is based on creating grievance groups without end…. All the special interest groups: minorities, women, gays, Islamists, unions, constantly stirring up discontent out of which they can foment crisis, disorder until they can step in and “save us.”

1. Revelation 13:1 The Beast rose from the sea, humanity always in turmoil gives rise to tyrants.

2. 13:4 The Beast is worshipped as is civil governments when people look to them for salvation and security.

3. 13:11-14 The Earth Beast forces the worship of the Sea Beast. It is not all voluntary. It is coerced. All of your socialist movements today offer to save us from ourselves but by force.

4. All tyranny shall ultimately fail and fall. We must not trust in men to save us.

-- 14:6-10 Babylon is fallen – God is glorified.