November 3, 2021


Time: 1:04 pm

Adjourned: 1:51 pm

Location: Virtual Meeting

Chair: Neil Vickers


Present: Latisha Addison, Don Becker, Erica Breedlove, Matthew Campbell, Chris Cervini, Daniel Chupe O'Hanlon, Samantha Croft, Tennille Harris, Lea Hur (SGA), Willie Martinez, Keri Moczygemba (for Julie Todaro), Deshaunta Stewart, Khayree Williams


Absent:  Christie Carr, Bernie Hinterlong, Amber Kelley, Wayne Maines, Molly Beth Malcolm, Don Morris, Marvi Reyes, Shari Rodriquez, Julie Todaro, Gerry Tucker

Minutes: Catherine Namour 


Next Meeting:  December 1, 2021

I For Information

A. Review of minutes, October 6, 2021

On motion, and vote, the minutes were approved as noted.

B. FY22 Work Plan (ARs currently under revision/development)

Neil briefed the Council on the following ARs that are in the process of being revised. This will be a standing item on future agendas.

II Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 2.04.001 Posting of Board of Trustee Meetings (proposal to rescind)

Neil proposed that the AR be rescinded on the basis of redundancy with the current Board Policy BD, Board Meetings. After discussion, it was agreed that the final paragraph merits the continued inclusion in administrative rule. Neil will discuss with the relevant stakeholders and bring back to the Council at a future meeting. 

B. 3.07.001 Legal Counsel

Neil advised that the AR has been revised to add clarity around the role of the legal liaisons and the process for the review/approval of legal services billing. After discussion it was agreed that Neil will consult with Dr. Rhodes regarding 1) a suggestion to add to the AR the list of personnel positions of the authorized College liaisons, and 2) a suggestion to add a clause that specifies the authorization to hire specialized legal counsel .

III Other Business

A. 6.06.002 Employment of Personnel

Neil advised that the AR was posted for employee comments in accordance with the shared governance process. Due to the number and nature of the comments, and their legal nuances, the college attorney has been asked to review and advise.


I For Information

A. Review of minutes, October 6, 2021

B. FY22 Work Plan (ARs currently under revision/development)

II For Discussion:  Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 2.04.001 Posting of Board of Trustee Meetings (proposal to rescind)

This AR is recommended for rescission. The content essentially restates sections of Board Policy BD, Board Meetings, and is therefore redundant.

B. 3.07.001 Legal Counsel